Shit posting, politically correct culture, Halloween, and SJWs.
So while I was going along my facebook I suddenly get a notification that someone had tagged me in a post, so I check it out. And wouldn't ya know it? Complete shit post. Apparently it is from a satire site that takes itself pretty seriously as most good satire pages do. But, unfortunately, I managed to locate numerous individuals who not only take it seriously, but agree with it. The picture you can see below, and below that I posted the link to the original post which also contains some interesting text you might find pretty entertaining.
Anyway, back to what pissed me off. Most of the people commenting on the post were either incensed, or knew it was a joke, but some people openly agreed with it, including one person on my "friends" list. That is what truly pissed me off. There are actually American "liberals," "leftists," social justice warriors, etc that agree with this bullshit. And while these people were certainly in the minority, they exist. And for them I have a challenge, compose a list of at least 10 "acceptable" costumes that a child can wear. For everyone else, the sane people if I may, I gotta ask, what do you think about the post in question? Is it funny, does it go too far in mocking the politically correct culture we find ourselves in, can one go to far in mocking the belief that just about everything goes to far?
I agree with you.... that image/post is max bullshit. Just showcases the paranoia that we have been fed regardless of with useless political myth's we are sold. We can't even allow our selves imagination anymore, let alone allow or children to be youth with out fear. Pussified to the max. #endovertothemasterslave. ffs.
The house that posts that will surely have scrambled eggs for breakfast. hehe
They probably give toothbrushes and combs too. ><
Interesting rant. I live in Cambodia. A rich proud culture full of ghosts, and the fear that comes with, but the youth here have begun adapting the Halloween, a primordial day of the dead, and celebrate. Yeah, in 'Murica, it is a weird day indeed, but meant to be fun. Not to be racist or misogynistic, or objectify, but to be whatever you want (to look like), for a night. Seems cool. And there is candy. But the commodification of fun is what drives me nuts, and run for the border. Anywho, I can appreciate where you are coming from. I hope you are well. If slightly interested, check my rant called Wake Up America, written after watching the clown shows of the conventions a few months back.
What are you gonna be?
I plan on going as Arawn, the Welsh god of terror, vengeance, and the underworld.
I wonder what problem SJWs would have with that costume...