Hal Jordan's Enemies: Anti-Monitor (Blackest Night)

in #haljordan3 years ago

The Anti-Monitor ended up dead on the world of Ryut at the edge of Sector 666. He was taken hostage by Nekron and imprisoned within The Black Lantern Central Power Battery. Dawn Granger used the powers she had gained from her connection to The Entity that embodies The White Fire of Creation on The Black Lantern Central Power Battery to see if her powers would have the same destructive effects on it as it does on the Black Lanterns empowered by it.

In doing so Dawn awakened The Anti-Monitor, who had apparently grown back to full size during his time trapped inside the Central Power Battery. This was because he was hit by a powerful surge of anti-matter feedback energy born from his awakening. While Cyborg was tending to a visibly shocked Dawn, The Anti-Monitor demanded that Nekron set him free and began to claw his way out of the Central Power Battery by warping the dark matter composition of the Battery into a malleable form that would allow him to construct a new suit of armor for himself.

After a quick confrontation with Black Lantern Ice and Guy Gardner found that The Black Lantern Central Power Battery was rupturing open, allowing The Anti-Monitor to begin squeezing his way out. Knowing that The Anti-Monitor would annihilate everything once he was truly free of Nekron's control, Gardner called for back-up and ordered The Anti-Monitor's extermination, seeing as actually killing him would rob Nekron and The Black Lantern Corps of their ultimate power source. However, because The Anti-Monitor had yet to become a full Black Lantern, the standard method for killing Black Lanterns was ineffective. Munk, of The Indigo Tribe, was able to come up with a plan after seeing the effect Dawn Granger's powers had upon Black Lanterns.

The Anti-Monitor hoped to use Gardner as a distraction by having several Red Lanterns spew their liquid fire upon his eyes while Bedovian of The Sinestro Corps would form a bullet around Dawn and place her into a giant sniping rifle construct. When firing the bullet, all of the Lanterns present would douse the bullet with their light and by doing so would effectively take out The Anti-Monitor for good.

The plan worked and The Anti-Monitor's head was blown apart, his body went into convulsions and eventually slumped down into a lifeless position. For the first time since the original Crisis, The Anti-Monitor had not only been defeated but killed in the process as well. The victory however, was a bittersweet. One of the Lanterns had failed to pull TheAnti-Monitor out of The Central Power Battery completely before killing him. Because of this, the Black Lantern Central Power Battery was still capable of using the corpse as an efficient power source for Nekron and The Black Lantern Corps.

Upon realizing the nature of the situation, Gardner and the other Lanterns wrapped a number of tethers around the gargantuan corpse, hoping that they could pull it out of the Battery before it swallowed The Anti-Monitor back up again. Unfortunately, the Central Power Battery stopped the Lanterns before they could pull The Anti-Monitor's corpse all the way out by cutting their tethers of light with a dark matter construct shaped like a scythe. Defeated, the weary Lanterns looked on as The Central Power Battery pulled The Anti-Monitor's corpse back into the cage Nekron had built for him.

Later, during the final fight against Nekron, The Entity brought The Anti-Monitor back to life and freed him from The Black Lantern Central Power Battery. Upon being freed, he lashed out at Nekron and attempted to kill him only to end up being sent back to The Antimatter Universe



I really enjoyed the crisis crossovers.

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