So, I Cut My Hair + Status Update

in #hair7 years ago

That's it, honestly. I'm on my phone with nothing more to add.

Except for a status update: Yes, I'm feeling down, yes, I'm feeling like shit, but my mom is doing fine considering the circumstances.

I've been spending a lot of great quality time with her, of which I'm thankful.

I appreciate everybody that has reached out to me since I posted about her cancer.

I'll get back to regular posting tomorrow.

Until then, here are two cool quotes from Christopher Hitchens, also dead from cancer:

"Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendant' who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself. Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought arrogant or selfish. Picture all experts as mammals. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out arguments and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect your own motives, and all excuses. Do not live for others any more than you would expect others to live for you."

"Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom will come to you that way."

-Christopher Hitchens 1949-2011.


I'm really sorry for your mom, @schattenjaeger . I can understand that you're feeling down.... my thoughts to you and your mother.

Love the haircut , and keep hope , everything will be fine . Just give it time and keep praying . And your family will always be in my prayers

Hou je haaks.

That's Dutch.

Looking good. And I went through similar two years ago with my mother, God bless you.

HI I just found your blog! The first thing cases like this make me feel is NEVER GIVE UP no what what anybody tells you. If there is breath left in a body it can be healed - this is my true feeling about human life.
Are you aware of Rick Simpson's cure for cancer? People have returned from their so called death beds and healed miraculously using his oil.
I would urge you to watch this video all the way through - with your mum if at all possible but maybe first alone and the again with your mum. If you have money as you say then getting the medicine will be easier.
Sending you love - great haircut - keep looking handsome,handsome!
Of course I am following you now so I truly hope to hear you will be pursuing this cure for her.

Also consider the fact cancer cannot live in a state of alkalinity. It sounds too simple I know but maintaining an alkaline state in the body rather than acid state DOES KILL CANCER.

Just send all the strength, and good for your photo

can't go wrong with Hitchens but you can really fuck up with the hair.

Hold strong man. Change is always good. eventually.

You're a true professional.

Glad you are spending good time with her. Im very sure she really appreciates it.

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