Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku Contest - WEEK #9

in #haikucontest6 years ago (edited)

A Haiku for Mizu No Oto

Week #9

Picture by @f3nix for Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku Contest - WEEK #9

                                            Bovine white statute.
                                            Moving clouds in the clear sky.
                                            Lifeless replica.

In Spanish - En español

                                            Blanca estatua bovina.
                                            Las nubes se mueven en el cielo claro.
                                            Réplica sin vida.

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About the Bull and this Haiku

To be honest, I have had a hard time trying to determine whether the animal featured by the statue is a cow or a bull. The horns made me think it was a bull, but then I remember cows can also have them. Then I looked at its lean body and remembered how muscular bulls usually are, and then I decided it had to be a cow.

...And then I went back to bull. But it did not matter in the end as both a cow or a bull symbolize life. And my interest was in the contrast between the lively sky and the dead stone, which actually pretended to emulate life.

Bulls have always been a symbol of virility and strength. They are represented as mighty and intimidating animals. In the case of the famous Cretan Bull, the magnificent white creature which king Minos had Poseidon to create to be sacrificed in his honor, the bull was such a fine creature that Minos decided to keep it instead of sacrificing it. (This really enraged Poseidon, who punished king Minos by making his wife Pasiphaë fall in love with the Bull; with the help of Daedalus—who designed her a most amazing disguise—, Pasiphaë fell with the Bull and got pregnant; the queen would later give birth to Asterion, the Minotaur, who was then put in the labyrinth by king Minos, so he could be spared the humiliation).In the end, the Bull became a menace. Meanwhile, in the general case of bullfighting, they are to be pitied. The thing is that these animals stand out because their figure is just too imposing to be overlooked.

Thanks for reading.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://marlyncabrera.timeets.com/2018/11/19/mizu-no-oto-every-image-has-its-haiku-contest-week-9/

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I had the same dilemma. So I decided to talk to the stone. But in my research on the bull-cow (for me it's a young ox) I knew that this beautiful and haughty building is the legislative palace of Malta. However, I couldn't find any other photograph of that beautiful white sculpture.
I really liked your haiku and the commentary on your process.

The clue was the flag. You're right; no other pics (I checked, too).
Thanks for your thoughtful comment, @adncabrera ☻ I'm on my way to see the rest of the haiku.

So, @f3nix did something no other photographer did before!

P.s. It may amaze you (I'm amazed for sure) to know that this statue is part of a series depicting proverbs in Maltese language. This one depicts 'Il-baqra kollha tinbiegħ' (every part of the cow can be sold), meaning that for every thing you can find someone that likes it.

P.p.s. A photo of the whole statue is here:

@f3nix is a perspective wizard!

Amazing! It's not a bull, it's not a young ox, and, of course, it's not superman... It's not a cow either, but three cows. It's a beautiful sculpture, and the proverb is very wise.
Thanks, @f3nix! Beautiful photo!
Thanks, @bananafish.

I knew it! LOL, for a moment. @f3nix is a photo-wizard.

A beautiful, meaning haibun, thank you!

Thanks a lot. I've edited my haiku; it my get me out the game this time. I'm still here anyway and loving it.

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