Mizu no Oto - Every Image has its Haiku - WEEK #10 WINNERS!

in #haikucontest6 years ago (edited)

Haiku contest brand 28.08.18.png

Banzai, merry company of haijin!

The 10th edition of Mizu no Oto – Every Image Has Its Haiku has come to an end.

My dear friend Edoardo is happy to see how much appreciation his photo received, and how many beautiful haiku it inspired: as many as 27!

I'm sorry, but this week I'll be a little more practical in the foreword. Being the 10th edition of the contest, I've collected some stats that I'd like to share with you.
In 10 weeks of Mizu No Oto, 59 awesome haijin composed a total of 191 entries, avg. 19.1 entries/edition, with a max. of 27 (twice!) and a min. of 12.
The number of participations per person is the following:

10 participations

9 participations

8 participations

7 participations

6 participations

5 participations

4 participations

3 participations

2 participations

1 participation

Some Info:

  • In case you want to become a core member of the @bananafish and sit at our round-table with the other Bananafish Knights, please note that new members enrollment will close by 10 December 2018. A minimum delegation of 50 SP is required to be part of the management group, although almost all the existing members are selflessly increasing their participation for the benefit of every participant.

  • If you aren’t yet in our Discord channel, The Bananafish Realms, please subscribe here: https://discord.gg/ZWmEUWT
    We want to give you the warm welcome in the Tribe, and to chat together having a lot of fun!

  • Last but not least: the prophet and knights started working on a unique project. A treasure hunt where you will be able to choose your destiny through a labyrinth of stories and death-life choices... in the end, a rich reward of 10+ STEEM will wait for one lucky participant like a pot of gold under a double rainbow! Don't miss our next updates!


Here are the winners of this edition!

Best Haiku award (2 STEEM):


Creak, crease, crack, crumble.
"Brown, yet active opposites"
-says leaf on the boards

Besides being the most assiduous participant in the contest and a tireless curator who never misses his comment and his resteem, Felix this time delighted us with a haiku who resonates in onomatopoeias and allitterations in the form, and a deep philosophical point in the meaning. The gently ironic smile of the true haijin suffuses the three verses, making us perceive lightly the unity of everything.

Popular Choice award (1 SBI share):


Cuento de otoño:
una hoja peregrina
en la madera.
Autumn story:
a pilgrim leaf
in the wood.

The voters liked a lot the idea of an “autumn story” about the meeting between a fallen leaf and the bridge wood. Two aspects of the same element, coming from a tree and now lifeless, but so different: one fragile and floating, the other hard and strong. The brief meeting in the ever-flowing time is immortalized by the haiku (and the picture).

Our two awesome winners achieve (in case of @oacevedo, has already achieved) the right to decorate their footer with this exclusive and beautiful banner by @f3nix:


The banner is customizable with the name of the winner. Please, contact @f3nix on Discord or via comment if you like this option.

Best vote comment (1 SBI share):


Amé la fotografía de esta semana. Produjo pensamientos que convirtieron a la hoja y la madera en personajes, humanizando la vida vegetal. Personalmente me hizo percatarme de que aún queda mucha vida y hermosura en una hoja seca y en la madera agrietada. Mi Haiku preferido esta semana es el de @oacevedo quien resume este sentimiento mío en su primer verso "cuento de otoño".
I loved this week's photography. It produced thoughts that turned the leaf and wood into characters, humanizing plant life. Personally it made me realize that there is still a lot of life and beauty in a dry leaf and cracked wood. My favorite Haiku this week is @oacevedo who sums up this feeling of mine in his first verse "Autumn story".

This comment earns the prize for the full understanding of the "feeling of things" (mono no aware) that permeates the haiku poetics. It’s a concept of quiet acceptance, without pain, even with a slight amazement and a suffused joy in discovering that all things pass, and even in those worn and old there’s a dignified and full beauty.

Special 10th edition prize:

The payout for the prompt post (as I’m writing, it amounts to $ 9.42, thanks to several boosts by awesome contributors) will be divided between all the participants in a proportional way based on the number of participations. The inscrutable Bananafish rewards in this way the dedication of the Tribe members!

@theironfelix will receive 10 shares; @agmoore and @gaby-crb 9 shares; @felixgarciap, @cyemela and @tristancarax 8 shares; @josemalavem, @oacevedo, @aurodivys and @javert68justice 7 shares; @calluna 6 shares; @f3nix 5 shares; @vdux, @marlyncabrera, @gracielaacevedo and @manoldonchev 4 shares; @solperez, @acostacazorla, @marcybetancourt and @blueeyes8960 3 shares; @adncabrera, @bertrayo and @salvao 2 shares; @goastrighter, @yomismosoy, @evagavilan and @moonprincess 1 share.
Thank you to everybody and keep on writing haiku!

**See you very soon for the new edition of Mizu No Oto tomorrow, Friday 30th November!

Your humble Bashō-fish


Haiku contest brand 28.08.18.png
[banner credit: @f3nix]



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This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was given a rating of: 0.9820406138425283
This post was voted: 100%

I know @oacevedo and @gracielaacevedo will like this image. Congratulations to all, friends. Glad to see how this contest has grown and to find, every day, wonderful texts. Infinite thanks to @bananafish.

You're making me thirsty, and I don't drink beer!

Agradecida con @bananafish por la oportunidad que nos brindan para crear haiku semanas tras semanas.

¡Qué maravilloso concurso! Qué bellos Haiku hicieron los ganadores y varios participantes. El comentario de @gracielaacevedo tiene toda la fuerza de una prosa para haber sido elegido. Gracias @bananafish por este espacio de creación literaria.

What a wonderful contest! What beautiful Haiku did the winners and several participants. The comment of @gracielaacevedo has all the force of a prose to have been chosen. Thanks @bananafish for this space of literary creation.

Congratulations to all the winners, deserved prizes. Many thanks to @bananafish for allowing us to create in this beautiful contest. Participating is a great pleasure. Special thanks to @marcoriccardi, thank you very much! A big hug.

Thank yah! Thank yah! Congratulations to all entryists and the winners! The Steem prize and the Share bonus are rather nice, but being awarded the "best" haiku award is better. Well, time to get that custom banner; would look pretty nice to have (along with the prize money of course). Anyways, I'm happy as Jevil is below:

Thank you so much! I may be new but I now have a personal haiku goal thanks to you all and that is help already. I would also love to ind out about that treasure hunt, I will be looking through the bananablog hoping to find it there.

Great fun. Thanks for splitting the goodies. The winners were great, especially @theironfelix. Sometimes, magic just happens :)

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