Pete A Turner - SFAB Elements, Combat Advising and Advanced Interpreter Operations

in #haiku4 years ago

For more on the SFAB Series how about Legend COL John McKay

Pete A Turner - SFAB Elements, Combat Advising and Advanced Interpreter Operations - Bill Mankins steps in, interviewing Pete A Turner on the advanced use of an interpreter. This session is part of our multi-episodic exploration of the elements of combat advising. SFABs, or Security Forces Advisor Brigades and the MATA (Military Advisor Training Academy) create SFAB warriors who are designed to deploy and advise and assist the US' foreign partners.

For our reference books in this episode check out both of Robin Dreeke's books
Code of Trust and Sizing People UP

Pete A Turner, apart from being the co-founder and Executive Producer of the Break it Down Show, also has years of time working in conflict zones. Working with numerous units guiding them to a more collaborative space.

For more on the SFAB Elements check out-
Dr Richard Ledet - Education

COL John McKay - Advanced Partnering

Bill Mankins - Identifying SFAB Professionals

Language skills are nice
But I’ll beat you with my terp
‘Cuz that’s what pros do

Similar episodes:
Dr. Richard Ledet & Pete A Turner -
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Pete A Turner -

Join us in supporting Save the Brave by making a monthly donation. ​
Executive Producer/Intro: Pete A Turner --
Host: Bill Mankins
Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev
Writer: Bojan Spasovski ​

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