Last Day Of Fall

in #haiku7 years ago (edited)


Fall going
and we part,
clamshells on the beach.

- Matsuo Bashō

I love the way the simplest words can turn into something beautiful yet meaningful in a short poem like that. So today, on the last day of fall this year, I felt like sharing my favorite haiku by Bashō with you guys. I've been into his works for many years and often find myself rereading his poems, especially on cold autumns days like today when there's nothing better than getting cozy on your couch with your favorite book, a cup of coffee and a few cats purring around. (Yeah, I know I got a pretty sweet setup here :D.)

If you think of it, the clamshells, seashells are always halved and/or shattered on the beach, it is extremely rare that you can spot one that is closed in the sand. I find the comparison he's drawing in the poem between people getting separated and clamshells scattered around quite impressive to be honest.

There's also a little more to the poem than just a few very well thought words that made me like this piece. Having left all my old friends back in Crimea, where I'm from, I think we all are now not more than just a handful of shells in different parts of the planet as well. It's funny how you can apply this to almost any person.

But anyways, thanks for reading and, please, don't you even try to tell me that the rocks in the photo are not actually clamshells, I know that :).
I took that photo at a beach in Crimea in 2016, there are of course sandy beaches there, some of them are not though, hope you like the pebble tower I made :).


крымские камушки!! мимими!!))
домом пахнет сразу)

Ага, я не вижу картинку, что ты прикрепил.

The simplicity of Simple words are always beautiful... I Knew about another good poet today ... And specially your today's surrounding are beautiful and romantic ... Cold weather, Autumn beautiful fallen leaves cats and Crimean Instant Coffee oooh Sooo beautiful and cool .... I want to be there with you right now to enjoy these all and specially a cup of hot Crimean Instant coffee ...... The Pebbles tower on Crimean Beach is Lovely, unique and Amazing...


Yeah, haiku poets are good at creating great verses with very little words, it is impressive. I thought the tower was cool as well, thanks!

Nice post. When time passes people will reach their destinations as per the destiny, but great thing is we are remembering the memories or not becuase memories are the source of happiness. Thanks for sharing.

Have a great day.

Good point, something to think about. Thank you :)

Beautiful post and nice pebble tower!

Thank you @a1sa :)

Wow that's a great photography Of Fall @kotturinn 👍👍👀👀

Thank you ;) although that photo in particular was taken during summer time haha

Ow that's great time@kotturinn

Nice post Kotturinn have a nice day.



That is a nice one. I don't know the original offhand. But it sounds good. As do most of Basho's poems :)

Thanks! He's my favorite haiku poet. If you do end up finding the original, do share, even though I can't read Japanese haha

I have books with all his haiku in Japanese. The only problem is some translators change the poem so much that it's often difficult to figure out the original. haha. But I will look for you

Yeah, I can see that, translating poems is not easy, whoever did translate these into English probably just tried to portray the main idea. I actually need to check with Russian translation, I have Basho's poems in Russian as well, it's my native language.


we will miss the amazing post on fall but no worries it will come soon :)

Next year haha

until next time haha :D

the rocks plate nicely and incredible also looks beautiful.

Thank you @sheikh27, I thought so too :)

Hay it's good to read your post and I know that rocks are not clamshell, and yes we live in different part but with same story...

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