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RE: 2021-10-10

in #hagee3 years ago (edited)

Personal Journal Too Boring For You?

The purpose of my daily logs are for archiving the info and not really for people to read. This is a personal diary. If people don't want to read it, I don't blame them. I am not writing it for people. I am just trying to keep a backup copy of my work in case all my computers in my house suddenly get stolen by the FBI, the CIA, or God knows who.

The Art of Curating

As far as upvotes go, I do try to vote at 100% a few times each day. But I also vote at a smaller percentage for other posts. So, it depends on the post. The hard part about voting at a higher percentage is when the rewards have appeared in the past small or too small. I know it depends and everything. I know upvoting power can grow. I hear it depends on a few things.


I see what you're doing, and that's fine... I don't think many people read my posts, even when I try to keep them short... I like how you're against Fiat Currencies... I did the "Fine Tuning" on what I believe will be the United States Monetary Correction away from the Digital and Fiat Dollars...
November 25, 2021... 24.0 Hollywood Time...

I am also against all the downvotes I get on Steemit that brought my REP from 64 to 59.

I can help you with your Reputation...
December 28, 2021... 5.5 Hollywood Time...

I thought REP was based on SP. That is why I had it powered up 100%.

How can you help me with REP?

I know I can do a few tags, hashtags, which helps like informationwar and deepdives and I forget the one with the word peach in it. But those are usually the communities or tags I would use. So, I know how to use those tags.

And it might be that the upvotes might overcome the downvotes. I was just not always using those tags because I wanted to branch out and use other tags. I also didn't want to be the kind of person who is only using a certain set of tags.

But since I know I get downvotes, I think I'm going to try to use more tags which might help compensate for the downvotes.

My home is on Hive Blog but I still post to Steemit and I still believe Steem still has some value in it.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.031
BTC 71153.91
ETH 3862.44
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.51