
Maybe it decreased later due to mass downvotes on Haejin's account...Someone calculated it and it was 2% ... Well it's still one third of it! Or maybe whole site's buggy and the data presented there is inaccurate. But I tell you this... Bernie won't manipulate a image just to exaggerate his point and earn extra rewards in his post. He can always spend SBD to boost his post but he doesn't need to lie to attract attention to his post!

Actually, read the post ... or at least this part of it:

I fixed a bug which was displaying the percentage a certain user was taking from the entire reward pool resulting in higher numbers than the actual percentage.

The comma and the higher percentage was all part of the bug. Still doesn't change that he's been getting more than a reasonable share due to one whale. Where one or more can give, one or more can return. That is a fact of life on this platform.

Interesting, I thought when I first read the post outlining the oddities, that no one would be dumb enough to edit the percentage without editing the other numbers but once I saw bernie's response I assumed he had hit the nail on the head tbh.

i think a lot of people jumped to that conclusion and it became a distraction from the actual issue.

well to be fair bernie had the chance to to say oops, it's a bug but 1% is still too high. instead he shit talked and downvoted, given that I think it's a reasonable conclusion to come to if you are not following this drama too closely.

well as I've said before I would never accuse Bernie of being a diplomat. In the heat of the moment crap gets said.

You're right ... both of them backing up when the bug was discovered and backing off some wouldn't have hurt.

it seems that haejin at this point wants to see how much he can keep things going by attacking people who comment and downvoting them .. so fault on both sides

Indeed, I am firmly in the @haejin camp but I do agree that there is a discussion to be had regarding rewards in general....a constructive discussion that is, not a flame or flag war.

This has been made far too personal right from the start. I will continue to support @haejin with my upvotes but I'm not comfortable getting involved in a flag war. That being said there was a lot of flagging that had nothing to do with the reward pool and I can understand the instinct to fight fire with fire.

really... you aren't be every bit the bully you claim bernie is?

I'm exercising my right to post comments that you are downvoting and now you're making threats?

You really do show yourself to be an F'ing asshole

if you care about the platform do something about this abuse...grumpy cat is gaming the reward pool

yes he is .. and you expect the minnows to do what? the whales need to respond