What @haejin's Posts Are Really Worth

in #haejin6 years ago

We got a view last night of what @haejin's posts are truly valued at by the STEEM community. This is what people think his posts are worth (with no @ranchorelaxo or @haejin vote). There were very light flags on these posts, about 1$ was flagged from each one. So add one more dollar to what you see below. The STEEM community finds little to no value in these posts. All of his earnings come from @ranchorelaxo and himself.

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I am curious about Haejin coz since I joined in April, I heard a lot about him. He was one of the people I followed earlier on. I checked their profile and they have a lot of steem. I thought, wow, this guy is great! But after a few days, I notice a lot of things going on about him. So great to see people in Steemit doing the right thing.

What haejin posts are really worth...


Deleted reply by @haejin: "Go strong...stay stoned druggy!"

I believe I will

He's deleting comments like crazy lately hey? lolollol

He is definitely up to something. What that is, we will have to wait and see. Without his self voting alternate accounts, these posts show their true colors.
Thanks for keeping the community informed and fighting the good fight!!

A good watch if you haven’t seen.
Dah ha ha ha

I loved that video, so lulz! I hope some others watch it, thanks for sharing here.

Haejin without Rancho

Now that's fucking funny

It means haejin is fooling steemit community.

What happened to elrancho??

Most likely some kind of ridiculous new strategy. My assumption is that he's trying to draw out big flags on those posts to waste people's voting power, what he doesn't seem to realize is, no one is that stupid. We're content with leaving those posts alone. People only flag the ones rancho has voted for.

Deleted comment by @haejin: Absolutely Nothing.

Nailed it hhahahha

He has mental issues obviously. Just saw him doing some tests or whatever. It's funny to watch how someone obsession with money can destroy his life. I don't know do that dude have any desires in life beside having more money?! He is so pathetic that it become sad to watch.

All the tests are edited now hahaha, you're right, he's losing his mind and it's just sad to watch, but like a train wreck, we can't look away!

Patterns are showing you are racist 😁

Another racist meme hot off the presses. Everyone knows I'm racist against donkeys.

Slam Donk.png

Whao, keeping the money to themselves

The STEEM community finds little to no value in these posts.

you should realise that you are claiming that most of our voices are not worth anything because we do not make upwards of 10$ a post.

If you want to see it that way, sure.

Most people will know what I'm really saying.

yes, 4$ is much less than 400$ and 400$ for a technical analysis of some weird coin is a rather large payout. On the other hand, when I reach 4$ with any post I am quite happy and while for @heajin 4$ is little for most people it is still a lot.

I'd wager that many of those votes are still people hoping for that curation reward after the rancho vote and have nothing at all to do with the actual content.

I was actually wondering the same. Do we know at how many minutes the big upvotes usually came? If they insta-upvoted then not much curation would be left. But even then, many people might not know about how the reward is split based on the time of the upvotes.

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