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RE: My view on @Haejin. An unbiased opinion, new followers should read this before investing.

in #haejin6 years ago (edited)

I couldn't care less about what haejin earns here, he chose his platform well though... your arguments are all valid, but I find his Dali-esque TA rather inspiring ;)

I think his general influence on the market is beneficial.
If you want technically good TA, follow tradedevil on youtube... you will immediately realize the difference, the man is full of doubts and rather than drawing inspired lines, he will worry over every curve for a while...
not that haejin never did this. He does.

Haejin is, voluntarily or not, now a coin guru and because of this he is selling coins with every utterance. You will therefore find coin shilling on his threads - if you mistrust him, you should certainly never trust a comment - and he is pushing exotic coins that I have no doubt he will receive offers for (I'm not saying he's taking any, but it would be unnatural if that sort of thing would not happen, depending on the way it works it wouldn't be illegal either. It wouldn't even be immoral, but then I'm from the ad business where we find primate ethics amusing).

I'm not interested in most of the designer coins, I only trade in major ones... I even stay away from BCH because I have no trust in it, and less in its propagators.

But what of all this is important ? The value of haejin's TA of course.
He used to be correct before the "great crash" came (it wasn't one really, this sort of thing happens almost every year, and more often than that, but this time there were a few additional FUDsy helpers that made it more impressive).

We had attacks on Bitcoin by the BCH crowd, well-aimed, well-pumped and well-PRd via TV and youtube channels, we're having the entire money industry constantly launching FUD bombs every day, be they Chinese, American, German or Luxemburgoises. They never stop.

We are having lots of inexperienced folks in the market, ourselves included, and aren't we really learning fast ? I like that ;)
But sometimes we run like chickens, exaggerating an already unstable market... so haejin can certainly not be blamed for spreading FUD, can he ? No way. He's the positive thinker among the analysts.
He may be believing in his mantra of "no physical phenomena can influence the true teaching" a bit too much though his stance can be logically defended. The unclear bomb will not faze us !

I find it charming when he says, "I don't need Fibonacci" and then adopts methods from other TAs while he's teaching them to us. He certainly KNOWS his Fibonacci well, though. He hasn't even mentioned some of the most valuable TA methods used in day trading yet, but then he isn't recommending day trading... trust me, it's worth googling.

No, haejin is using his genius and not much else, and I think he will be genuinely convinced that if he is able to further a coin's rise and people buy it and it does rise (because it's all psychology, I think the dumbest here must have gravitated to this by now), then his flamboyant TA is among the best, and he is serving these people by seeing the crypto market as a "chalice of wealth" ;)
Therefore, why the envy if he makes a little money with this ? Wouldn't anyone be attracted by the idea of making a thousand bucks just sitting at his laptop every day ? It's much more intuitive than trading, if you think about it ;)

It's also entirely understandable that the other steemit-for-money partakers are not amused.
It's cutting into their profits, and who wouldn't go wild because of that ?
I would just wish they had more style.


I also think his influence is beneficial to the crypto market in general, no matter whether I am right or wrong about him.

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