@haejin flagged me without reason

in #haejin7 years ago

You can check my all posts i dont have any guilt. I just made only one video about haejin. https://steemit.com/art/@differentlooks/yotgleg0 you can see it here. And i said "This video was made for Humor" I didnt any sarcasm or anything in this video. it was only dubbing. I linked Haejin and berniesanders . i linked bernies too because they was fighting often. I just made this for only funny. As i said there is no sarcasm. You can watch that video. Haejin flagged my other posts too. I was expecting upvote from haejin for laugh to this but he flagged me . Why ? i cant understtand why flagged ? . Let say haejin flagged me but why steemit accepted this ?? Haejin strong streamian cus of this he can do everything ? So sad story. This is Unfair action


Dear friend, I understand your situation perfectly, I spent 2 days ago because of that, I published an image of my little girl waving the Venezuelan flag in a response to a post and the author gave me a flag hurting me, I called span, I made the same with a 100% flag to get his attention and he threatened me that if I did not remove it I would urge Steeemspan to block my account or something like that. My conclusion is that, if you are a whale or mafia within steem, that is to say if the author has money, he easily sinks him to one who is barely getting started. One can not fight because he does not have money in cash to pay police steem, one always loses; this same thing happens in real life.

My Country Venezuela, has been invaded by Asians and because they are supported by the regime, they do whatever they want. It is not racism, it is hatred induced by the behavior of those fools, who at the moment of losing their support will be subjected like bile sheep ...

Go ahead, a flag against him does not describe him as a bad person, it reflects the poor mentality of the person who gave it to him.

Courage, blessings.

Thanks for comment you well said. I gave my more than month for this account. This system should be like this . He can remove my account bcs he is powerfull . this is not true. and i m not guilty :/ i hope he will get back his flag

I am happy to see you every day to receive dollars from steam, please teach me how you first did it, until you can as it is now.@kirana

Dont work for money oriented. Just be patience. Contact with people. Support people if you like their works. Here is good social platform. Long time dont care wallet. And make atleast a post each day. Dont spam. And you gonna see you wil earring in the time

thank you for the information and knowledge, if there are other useful please beritau me, thank you

Your video was racist and insulting! It was flagged as it was insulting to us Asians in the facial gestures you induced into the video.

Whatt!! racist ? omg . How can be racism . i just vocalized your image . i didnt make much thing. just put your image to CrazyTalk8 and i added there (CrazyTalk 's audio file). 2nd thing, how it can be insulting ? Why i ll insult to Asians. My country's history lived atleast 2500 years in Asia. And we love much asians too. We fighted with racism thousand years how i can do racism ? About insulting " how u think its insulting ? to play the mimics of the characters is it insulting ? All digital world going like this . I will make my own 2D video too . I think you got me so wrong . Already i wrote there this video made for humor. so there is no any aim. If i did any wrong thing i m sorry about it . I didnt want insult or racism. Never. We are good persons. We dont Racism or sarcasm or what else. Can you get back flag ? I really much worked for this account and i dont want lose all works for nothing.As i said i didnt want it aim for that. just made it for funny. thats why i send you link for you watch it and laugh. maybe upvote. i was thinking you will upvote it but i got flagged and i m shocked. Please get back flag

Are all racist who tell something different? Racist Racist Racist. Is this the only word you can tell?
You want to fuck us all with you stupid words with no value.

Go and teach people about censorship on youtube about what is racist.
Here we all can speak out. Your downvote is just nothing.

You are an idiot because you dont get it. Only your random arrows.
All other words you tell are a shame for free speech.

You want to silence all with your story "i am the victim".

@tuvokhl thanks for support but this is so rude. We shouldnt talk like this. Yes, Haejin wrong did. but we shouldnt say it like this. I feel you what feeling i really congratutale you for this Courage. You wanna change this system. Thanks . But as i said this is so rude way.

Calling everybody racist is also rude.

He wants to silence YOUR creativity.

Absolutely. This my 2nd month in Steeemit. I really gave much time. And if he dont get back his flag i ll make new account so my more than a month will lose. His only one click remove my all works in a second. Do u know what i feel ? and really i never do racism or sarcasm . i never did it before and i never do. I just vocalized image for fun thats all. Let show it to 200k people nobody think its racist contents.

Just stay in this account. You will recover... rep doesnt matter much...

If you think about your rep to much just write about normal topics and join fight later...

I dont know how much important repu . i m new on this system. But people gonna think this guy spammer. This attack made quake on my Reputation.

Yes maybe. But in new account the same could happen. Just makes not to much sence for me to change now if you will do the same work. Just get over it. Its only numbers in pc.
Just dont dig to deep in this fight.

I dont want to change the system. I just speak out for the free vote. But okay DOWN and UP vote should have the same result to your power.

Why you upvoted this haejin comment?

you are praising nazi germany in your recent post, I guess you better shut up about this topic you piece of brown scum

What you know about this topic?
Your comment reads like you dont get it.
Your understanding is just biased. --> error

I agree that haejin overreacts with his racism call, you can't just assume any bias here. You on the other hand have shown your color already bright and clear and that's why I feel nothing but contempt for you, you are disgusting

Are you sure for you watch my video ? only one image talking thats all . how you think its Racism ? or insulting ? Are you crazy or ? only image talking thats all . You can watch my Snoop Dogg song cover too . is it insulting ?pls be logical .

you are mixing things up, I'm not talking to you but to tuvokhl. I'm reffering to his recent post in which he praises AH and nazi germany.

Didn't mean to confuse you, I agree that your video isn't racist by any means.

on my post ? i m not remembering . i didnt talk about anytime german . can you send link ?

My color i show is my theme and words when you click @tuvokhl. This other you understand wrong. But there can be everytime somebody understanding wrong.
I made a criticism!

one of the first blogs I see there is you telling "Only hail to 1 idol. Like in good old germany. He also built streets you asshole." and braging about it.

If there is something I missunderstand here then I'm more than happy to be proven wrong.

You cut out sentences which belong in a context. Braging is just your interpretation. Its criticism of upvoterslaves.

Read more higher not in blogs...

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