hacking: 5. ICMP protocol

in #hacking7 years ago


Hi, I will describe you today ICMP protocol, which serve to reserach the internet and to trace, for hackers, has very curious using e.g protocol ICMP can be used to DOS attack or to quiet moving infromation through network. I will show how that works .

At the beginning we will use the ping program, the ping program is used to test the internet and local network, enter the command man ping in Kalilinuks in the console to see what parameters the ping program can accept, we will use parameters i, s and c, in this lesson, parameter s specifies the number of sent bytes of data, parameter c sets the number of packets to sent to the destination host, parameter i sets the time what must go past between sending packets. Enter ping www.google.com.


First, the name www.google.com is converted into an IP address using a DNS server, the right is the information what size packets are send, the default is 56 but the number in parentheses adds the IP header and the ICMP header. Rests lines mean icmp_seq package number, ttl is life time.

We will run the ping program again with the parameters we discussed earlier, enter ping www.google.com -s 1024 -c 3. We send three packages with the number of 1024 bytes. In my case all of them have been received.


We will now start the ping program with controlling the frequency of sent signals, but not to overload the servers we will run it on your own computer, enter ping localhost -i 0.2.

There is another interesting program to scan the network, hping3, for example enter in the console hping3 -S www.google.com -p 80 -c 5, this program you can, for example, check if the victim’s computer has a firewall enabled.

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That’s it, I hope that I have clearly explained the basic issues related to the ICMP protocol, see you later !!!

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