Largest Data Breach in History

in #hacking6 years ago

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I'm having some pretty bad problems so this will be short, but it's too important to overlook. According to a report in RT over 770 million email addresses have been hacked.

"A security researcher has blown the lid off the largest data breach in history as over 770 million emails and 21 million unique passwords have been exposed, eclipsing the Equifax and Yahoo hacks by a significant margin."

"The breach is being dubbed ‘Collection #1’ and contains a raw data set of email addresses and passwords totalling 2,692,818,238 rows from potentially thousands of different sources, according to digital security expert Troy Hunt."

I'm not sure how this stuff works, I'm sure you know more about it than I do, but there's a link in the article to a site called Have I Been PWNed: "Hunt recommends checking your email addresses on the free service provided by Have I Been Pwned." I recommend checking your email account- Mine was fine (whew).

I hope this is useful... I'm going back to bed!



Don't you just love technology? So much for having our privacy guarded. It's not like the old days. Thanks my friend @richq11

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