Why it matters to blend in. OPSec Training 101

in #hacking7 years ago

    |                                          |
    | Hacking is like masturbation, We love it |
    | You can talk bout it with some strangers |
    | on some specific online communities.     |
    |                      |
    =====[ Don't forget about The_Mentor ]======
    ====[ Don't forget about ProjectMayhem ]====
    ======[ Don't forget about #ETHERSEC ]======

        Why it matters to blend in.
Or reasons to not look like a 12 years old kid on Kali.
      Written by *Anonymous* for *Anonymous*

''My primary goal of hacking was the intellectual curiosity,
the seduction of adventure. ''
-Kevin Mitnick

''It's not about fame, or getting your nick on the next big deface.
It's all about sharing knowledge''


Labels. Everyone can wear 'em. But none are valuable.
They're only tags to index individuals, making 'em easier to differentiate.
Do you really want to be that flashy guy? You want us to recognize you anywhere?
Trust me you don't. And if so, you want to get recognise for who you are. Right?
Not for the fucking hoodie you wear.

As said Tyler Durden :

''You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank.
You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet.
You're not your fucking khakis.
We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.''

Thus, a glider tattoo won't help you to code.
It will just put a label in your back saying ''I should be a pretty good coder''.

One of the things that makes the internet so powerful, is it's capacity
to connect anything, almost instantly, almost anything.
Experts got another word for that : ''Element of Surprise''.
Sneaking your way in is one of the most important aspect of Social Engineering.
As well online as IRL.

I think that I don't need to remind you that Some institutions aren't down
with the concept of sharing all knowledge. Of Fear to see informations
falling in the wrongs hands. However, If it's free for the perverted,
It's free to the Lawful Gardian.

But Anyways, Corps don't understand that. And that's not the point here.

The point is, Having Social Media account displaying black-hat talk is like
painting a massive Target on your back. And I'm not even saying how such of
an ass it makes you look like. To the hackers, you'll look like a script kid.
Unless you made a couple previous great code, don't reach the media as a hacker.

And, have you looked at the account of actual hackers?
https://twitter.com/kevinmitnick MITNICK
http://beyondthelittlebluebox.com/ (Captain Crunch is too old school for Social medias)
https://twitter.com/ArcaneSecure MAFIABOY
https://twitter.com/account/suspended AERITHXOR (Canadian Dildo Hacker. Account Suspended)
But You get it.
None of 'em got a kali background as banner.
Or an artwork of a mask from a piece of art that belongs to a Corporation, as a profile picture.

It not shady. But a real doesn't talk about it/ expose himself.
And when he does, he try to look like an IT Tech. Not like a freak.

Don't be the stereotypical hacker we see in movies.

The Second point is. When Disclosing illegal activities,
(Don't need to be mean.
You never know which stupid law you are breaking.
Nowadays you don't even know in which country's
the server you are visiting. Don't hact like a
fool, or you'll fall as a fool.)

People who want to keep their identity undisclosed use EXTREME CAUTION TO LOG INTO
SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT. Proxy, Vpn, Chained to tor, on alternatives bridges,
filtering nodes by country that shouldn't be under Five Eyes's jurisdiction.
For the whole process,
from the creation of the email, to setting fire to your hard drive (When Job done)
Hide your ass when you play the public cowboy.

Actually, unless you got some holy mission for the good of humanity,
try to keep the fame and drama for underground forums.
Facebook is clearly not a place for that. They don't even verify when cops asked
'em for the logs of someone. No warrant or anything, Facebook hand the logs to who ever
wants 'em. Twitter is more cautious with your Data. Take that in note.

Also, don't act like a suicidal. Even if you are. When you expose yourself,
you expose your contacts. And put 'em in danger. And, that, in my culture,
is a Dick move.


If you are here, you're probably mad. Deep down. You mad. Generally.
You look up at the world, and feel like shit isn't right. Shit gone wrong.
To Quote Tyler Durden again :

“I see in the fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived.
I see all this potential and I see squandering.
God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables,
slaves with white collars, advertising has us chasing cars and clothes,
working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.

We're the middle children of the history man, no purpose or place, we have no Great war,
no Great depression, our great war is a spiritual war, our great depression is our lives,
we've been all raised by television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and
movie gods and rock stars, but we won't and we're slowly learning that fact.
And we're very very pissed off.”

Life, despite all it's meaninglessness, Is overwhelmed by the synthetic drama
of our society and the shit load of bureaucracy that comes with it.
Which is stupid since, the only real meaning we could get out of it is to have fun.
Create things, share 'em, have a good time. Which is pretty hard when you need two job
to get the electricity bill paid. When some fucker produce it by sitting besides a solar pannel,
or a water-turbine (water-powerplant).

Anyway. Go back to the top of this text in the small box to get the Hacktivist Propaganda again.

This being said. As long as you are still hidden, you are potentially the next guy to do the big
physical security hack. Sometimes, the biggest thing is to get in that building with an empty


I read your complite blog and its intresting to read

good article
I hope everyone will be benefited

Hey dear @defango you are >>>(white hat hacker)<<< i love hacker i want learn hacking .

Thanx you so much for sharing this hacking tutorial.

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