๐ŸŒŠ I think I have solved Elliot's Mental condition on the Mr.Robot Series ๐Ÿ‘ What do You think? ๐Ÿ Art Imitating Life & Predictive programming.

in #hacking โ€ข 7 years ago

๐Ÿ˜ฒ Can a whole human history now be downloaded and recorded, then reversing the process into another of your choice, Making it Virtually possible to live forever?

The Global Elite are now making noise about living forever by Man merging with machine. And reducing the world's population down to 100 Million total. The Georgia Guidestones are a testament to these Wishes/Commandments for life on Earth to come.


๐Ÿ’ฐ The vast resources poured into technology development ( not meant for public consumption ) is Incredible, and is said to be some 60 years advanced to what we know publicly.

Human study is tops on the list, and we all participate today with our electronic devices offering up freely ( at our expense really ) By purchasing and using said devices. A window into our minds that is God-like or Santa like if you chose. At what point ( and we know it's coming ) can our whole brain be downloaded from birth to time of download, And recorded electronically forever. A human blockchain if you will. DNA is already done this way ( how much more personal can it get?

The Matrix touched upon this scenario where humans can enter an electronically created world by jacking in, but most are placed there involuntarily at birth, never knowing anything else. A perpetual Dream state if you will, in an artificial World. ( are we already there? )


Enter Mr.Robot through Elliot Anderson. Without causing many spoilers it's now becoming clear that Mr.Robot ( Elliot's Father ) was been uploaded into his brain and his condition is an advancement on a Real World split personality disorder caused by both entities fighting for control of 1 Body.

๐Ÿ˜Ž Why do I feel this way? Easy, Elliot was never a major player in the 5/11 attack, or should I say not needed to accomplish it, as the whole scenario was controlled and funded by the elite under different names. They were going to happen with or without Elliot. But his participation was highly regarded and watched from just about every angle imaginable.

๐Ÿ‘ Watching and observing their experiment very closely to see how an injected 1 person into another would unfold competing for control. The idea his Father is surfacing in him, just made it more plausible because of their closeness. Becoming a stranger would be too much.

I'm sure the plot will go like this...You cannot erase the living person before uploading another or the host will die for obvious reasons, So the next level is to find a way to get the host's memories to step down or be eliminated altogether in time. If you were going to transfer yourself to another, would you not want full control and not have to share?

๐Ÿ˜Ž So there you have my theory without ruining the show If you want to watch it from the start. I never thought much or even cared about Elliot's mental disorder and found it anoying to the plots I was interested in, But just became very clear with this latest episode.

I hope you enjoyed and will comment with your thoughts below.

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The stone tablets that popped up out of nowhere list the beliefs of the Rosicrucians. It's been a while since I've read anything about them so I'm sure new info is available.
I love Mr Robot! I've been putting season of so I can binge watch it on strem.io the Nextflix Hulu TV provider FREE REPLACEMENT. Stremio and Popcorntime have partnered with FLIXXO. Im thinking unstoppable.

Brilliant post. Love reading material written by a like mind.

Good to hear from you :-) Like I said, Elliots condition was an annoyance to me. I got interested with the Bitcoin/Ecoin aspect and taking down the money masters. Now following easter eggs is fun too.
what do you think of my mind idea? way more plausible than time travel.

The singularity. The moment when we'll be able to download our consciousness on to a computer.
The futurist Ray Kurzweil has built his life around living as long as possible specifically wait for the singularity.
As far as downloading an extra perona into the mind of another, I feel like the Elliot/Father situation to very interesting.
However, I can barely handle most of the shit that spews in & out of mind and have already become my own favorite person in term of conversation. I probably couldn't handle it because Im already to wrapped up in my life let alone another's.

When I was hooked on the dope I would get high as hell and forget huge chunks of my day as if a new persona were downloaded each time. Waking up in jail with no recollection is never ideal.

Forgive me if I didn't touch base on that which you were referring. I reread your post a few times, but I've been awake for a few days so my brains little tired and I could've easily missed it.
Regardless, we can continue our dialogue and earn a little STEEM love.

No worries brother, It seems strange I even speak of something on TV. I haven't watched in years as everything is just crap. Much predictive programing comes ot those studios though. The Lone Gunman comes to mind, remote controlled/hyjacked plane crashing into the trade center to start a war in the middle East, months before it happened kind of thing.
That's an endless topic on its own LOL
Subliminal programing is another.

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