How to hack Steemit on ANY Android device!! No hacking experience needed.

in #hacking8 years ago (edited)

Today I completed a successful hack of Steemit on a cheap Android smartphone.

I have catalogued the attempt in this post, I hope it helps.

First, access, and enter a users wallet. Here I have selected an unwitting victim.

I never saw it coming...

Next, make sure you're using a secure device.

I like to secure my devices using a micro-GCLMP, readily available from most good retailers.

Don't forget to unlock the device

Now secure your device to a stable surface, in this case, the hood of a car is sufficient.

We're almost ready to begin hacking

Next, get your hacking tool ready. I prefer to use hacking hardware, as it's more efficient than a software solution.

One three three seven

Now we have to choose a vulnerable area of Steemit. In this case I've chosen the middle area, but you're welcome to choose whatever angle you're comfortable with.

Measure twice, hack once

Begin hacking at your leisure, as you can see, is completely defenceless to my attack.

@ned should really fix this vulnerability

Don't worry about any firewalls, that just means you've hit the battery

The hack should be complete in about five to ten minutes...

Bitfinex, you're next...

I can smell the STEEM!

Next, pour the STEEM into your wallet, and you're done. Hell yeah!

Don't forget to shake out the SBD too.

Is YOUR account safe?

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, upvote and follow if you'd like to see more.



Wow! The screen was working to the very end. I applaud you.

You made me laugh out loud. Very funny.

one three three seven!

Tuck gets it, every time.

It's not enough that you are good at making photos, you are funny too, I mean that I see this post very funny. I really enjoyed.

Wow you killed it!

Brb, hacking all of you evil bastards.

Thanks for the laugh! It's been one of those days!

Hilarious. Made my night.

Lol ... I see what you did there..... Well played!!!

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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66293.76
ETH 3282.25
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70