Everything You Should Know About Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is the word used for enlarged male breasts. This condition is termed as the ‘man boobs’. A Gynecomastia surgery is the operation done on the swelled breast to reduce it to a normal size. Reduction mammoplasty or the breast reduction surgery provides men with flatter breast. 

This surgery can be conducted at any age however the surgery is only proper at the ages of puberty and middle age because of many hormonal fluctuations around this time which may stop the surgery from being effective. Most of the times the surgery is painful but there are no complications to this surgery. The main reason that men are ready to take this surgery is to escape embarrassment and also to enhance their appearance. For many people, embarrassment can seem like a trivial reason to undergo this surgery. The embarrassment that men feel about their body is not negligible. It can have a drastic effect on their life. They will not be able to participate in outdoor activities. So Gynecomastia Surgery can change their life. They can develop their self-esteem. A study has revealed that this surgery has improved the men’s quality of life in the physical and social health. 

What are the causes of Gynecomastia?

This complaint is the result of hormonal imbalance. When the man’s hormone testosterone decreases and the female hormone estrogen increases there will be visible growth in their breast. This happens because of the gathering of the fatty acids around the region of the breast. This normal imbalance can happen for many reasons like-

•    Life changes that can be natural such as puberty.

•    Taking Medications like antibiotics, tricyclic antidepressants and valium. 

•    Drugs and alcohol abuse.

•    Health diseases like hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism and kidney failure.

•    It can be caused by a tumour which is a serious health issue.

Who can manage to take this procedure?

Healthy men with enlarged breasts can get benefited from Gynecomastia procedure. It has a massive success rate and only less complicated. On the other hand, it is not the right choice for the men who smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs and are obese. They must also not have any serious health conditions because it can complicate the operation. 

What happens at a Gynecomastia operation? 

Many board-certified surgeons use techniques that are effective to conduct this surgery. This will give the best results for the patients. According to your conditions, the following one or two things will be done to you-

•    Liposuction

•    Excess skin tissue removed during the process.

•    Breast tissue will be removed.

•    The areola will be repositioned. 

A local anaesthesia with a cocktail will be given to the patients before the surgery. This will be comforting to them during the operation. The procedure may last for two to three hours. 

A good hospital must be chosen to conduct the Gynecomastia surgery. This procedure requires an analysis of the patient’s body before the surgery. This Gynecomastia surgery is simple and takes only a little time of recovery. 

Also Read - Essential Things You Should Know Before Proceeding with Heart Bypass Surgery

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