The Good Vibes Contest #3 - The Best Gift

in #gvcontest6 years ago (edited)

Over the years I got many wonderful gifts from my loved ones: friends and family. Even if I cherish all of them, one particular item remained close to my heart. It is not something fancy or expensive but something from the heart. A flower, a beautiful pink rose.

In my country, until several years ago, in order to be admitted to highschool, the teens were supposed to pass a pretty hard exam. Even if you were a good pupil, there were still doubts if you'll manage to enter a good school.

Being very ambitious, I decided to try my chances at the best highschool in my town. My parents (and the whole family, actually) got really nervous and worried. I was a smart kid but everybody targeted that school and my parents kept told me I should have played safe and apply for a different highschool.

To keep it short, I took the exam and passed it among the first. When the results were displayed, my whole family went nuts ... with happiness.

My young sister (four years younger, she was about ten years old then) stood silent for a couple of minutes and watched the show: mom laughing and crying at same time, dad promising different stuff (phone, pc etc.), grandparents hugging me. Long story short, I was the princess of the day.
At some point, my sister disappeared. I was a little disappointed and felt like she was jealous somehow. Five minutes later she came back and, without saying anything, she handled me a pink rose taken from my grandfather's garden.
As she was leaving the room, I could see tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

Even today, 14 years later, I still have that rose. I keep it in a 77. 🙂

My sister is the only person in the world who can fully understand me. She was always by my side in times of happiness or sorrow. She is the godmother of my son and the favourite aunt of both my kids. And even if she gave me beautiful gifts over the years, that little pink rose is the one I cherish the most. It is something simple and coming from a child's pure heart.

Thank you for reading


I appreciate your story very much and I am happy that you didn't give up.

Thank you @lindari. 🙏😘

Never giving up. 🙂

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