My Good Vibes Contest #3-My Unforgettable Birthday Gift

in #gvcontest6 years ago (edited)


Good morning my dear Steemians!

I will be praising the name of the Lord for His guidance and faithfulness enduring my life.

First of all.may I say thank you to the author @corina for this contest because it remind me the greatest gift that I had in my life.

It was so long ago but now recalling such memory made me smile remembering the very moment happened only one day in my life.

To begin with,let me narrate for a while how was my family background.We are belong to a poor family relying the income from the farmland so we could eat and grow enough reason to grateful to all blessings that passingday by day.

During my childhood,birthday celebration was not necessary to celebrate but we went to church and gave thanks then my parent cooked natived chicken with moringa just like normal days and I was so happy and contented.Unlike today,new generation people are celebrating every day of the month of their birth date comes.

  • Big surprised!

But to my surprised,I didn't expect that my parent ang grandparent planned for a big party when I was 9 years old.They slaughtered 9 big female chicken and cooked some other food stuff then invited 9 female children to eat with me on that moment.It was happened last year 1979 and I could freshly remember how happy I was with the children eating together.On that time we had no table so we ate together sitting direct to tbe floor.I remember my paternal grandmother threw a coins toward me amd everyone enjoyed that moment.That was just a simple presentation celebrating from my beloved family that I wont forget in my whole life through.Even my classmate was so jealous because even a simple celebration their parents had no guts in celebratng such ocassion like tha.

I am 48 years old this year and I thank the Lord for all His blessings even the trials that I passed all the time but still I become solid every day of my life.That was just my only birthday celebration happened to my life which was so memorable and I thank you @corina for this contest it enable me to refresh my childhood happiness.For all of my time here I am lways remembering how harst my mother giving me a disciplinary hits during my childhood.

I am not fond of celebating my birthday,just giving my gratitudes to my Creator and thats it.

This is my story about the greatest gift that I had received.It was not a big party,they just gave according to what was available and affordable celebration but worth dying to remember.They loves me and the more that I loved them all.I love them much more than my life.

It has been 4 years ago I never seen my family as I am working in a distant land.For my better hope,one of this coming days I will be back to see them all.

Steemit would be a reason for me that I could able to visit my homeland.Please God help me.

Thank 's for reading and I hope you find yourself to be grateful to every little gifts that we have day by day.

That's for today..May God bless us all.

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And @surpassinggoogle as my proxy to complete the numbers of my witness

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Thank you all my mentors and steemit family.

Loving you,
Nanay Deevi (@olivia08)


wow that was a great birthday party indeed!

First time and last bday party Sir long

ngano last bday party gud te? @olivia08

Nag bday ko 9 ako exad unya wala na ko nag bda y bday

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