The Good Vibes Contest: The Best Gift I Ever Received

in #gvcontest6 years ago (edited)


As my participation to the #goodvibescontest by @corina, I would like to share with you my story about the best gift I ever received. I'm not sure if this would qualify as one (it might only be to me) but I would like to share it nonetheless.


They say that, one of the greatest gifts you can give someone is your time. I have heard and have believed in this for many years but I did not have any specific occasion or situation that best defines it....until last year on my 28th birthday.

I was a new mom last year and during my birthday, I was still on my 75-day-maternity-leave. During that time, I was not able to prepare something for the occasion like in the past years or so since we were busy with our newborn. Rather than preparing something, my family and I went out to have a lunch buffet (it was more like a treat from my partner actually). I was disappointed that my bestfriend @junemark was not able to join us since he was at a project at the time in the province.

The day went by fast and I was happy to celebrate my birthday at the buffet restaurant (because of the tons of food We were home that night and was about to sleep when the door to our bedroom opened and viola! June Mark in flesh and blood! He was rushing and checked his watch (it was 10 minutes before midnight). He greeted me a happy birthday and apologized for not bringing a cake or a gift. He said he wanted to arrive home before midnight to be on my birthday and if he drop by to buy something, it will no longer be August 03. I was about to whine about the cake but the action really touched my heart. The trip from their project site took an agonizing, butt-aching, 10-hour trip by a bus. And he took thay ride to be home just for my birthday. (He took that trip back again to their project site after a day or two by the way). Who would be crazy (or sweet rather) enough to take that trip just for a birthday? Nobody has ever done that act for me before.

Looking back, it was the best gift I have ever received that day (still is up to today). I did not receive a tangible gift or a cake but it was an act that made me me feel loved and important. Yes. Time could really be the best gift you can give to someone. By giving someone your time, it also means giving a part of your life.

For that, I will forever be grateful.

Shoutout to my besfriend @junemark, thank

Thank you for dropping by. ❤

All the best! {always}
~filnette 🍀



As a mom, time seems even more precious, doesn’t it? I would also say that some of the best gifts I’ve received were others giving their time. What a great story to share ❤️

I hope you’re having a great week!

Indeed! Time these days have become more precious (not to mention, worthwhile) with my little one. But oh how time flies that's why I'm making the most out of what it is that we get to share everyday. I'm having a nice week here. You? I kinda missed you on the platform. I hope the Squish and Squirt are doing good. 😊

We've got a lot going on right now ... I'm still posting at the regular times, but haven't had much time to "float around" and check up on posts. :( Both girls had fevers, so lots of cuddle time. Squirt doesn't want to be anywhere but with me. I love all the snuggles, but not much time to be online. Thankfully they're both feeling better now :D

Ohh that's too bad. Our little one is having a runny nose and cough also but other than that, she's still active. I'm glad the girls are doing better now. The snuggles might have expedited their feeling better huh.

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