How to Repair Your Digestive Health?

in #gut3 years ago

Are you wondering how you can repair your digestive health?

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Your digestive system (gut) consists of several different organs that allow your body to process and absorb nutrients from the food you eat. If your gut isn’t healthy, you will not be healthy–it’s that simple.

Your gut is the foundation of a healthy body and mind. Nobody in their right mind would build a nice house without making the foundation first. You should look at your health in the same way. That’s why it is best to start with the gut when you want to improve your diet or overall health.

Poor gut health can cause food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome, Crohn's disease, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, and even make you deficient in nutrients. That’s why it’s very important to make sure that you have a healthy gut. There are many ways that you could do this as it is very important that you make sure that your inner ecosystem is strong, healthy, and reliable. There are many diets and exercises that you can do to improve your health, so make sure that you start getting a healthy gut as soon as possible to help you not have any problems in your life. You can seek out dietary and nutritional therapists.

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 different reactions in the body. If you are deficient in magnesium it can cause many issues such as constipation, muscle aches & spasms, chronic headaches, and even chocolate cravings. There are small substances in our gut called enzymes that help the body absorb fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Magnesium activates (turns on) these enzymes which allow the body to digest and break down food so it can be used. As you can probably guess if you don’t get enough magnesium, these enzymes remain inactive and your gut will not properly digest your food.

Another fantastic way to boost the beneficial gut bacteria and enhance your digestive health is to consume fermented foods or drinks on a daily basis. Fermented foods are an excellent source of helpful bacteria and enzymes which improve nutrient absorption. When combined with a probiotic supplement, fermented foods and drinks can make a serious difference in your digestive health.

You can try to buy or make your own fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchee. Fermented drinks such as kombucha or kefir drinks are also a great way to easily give your gut a digestive boost.

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