The secret of silence

in #guru6 years ago

The secret of silence is finally out, but can you hear it?


“Well brush my teeth and blow my hair if it isn’t the great pony dancer from out of the Welsh valleys come down all scrubbed up and nice,” said Larry the Lipper to the man who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

Larry went up to the man and pushed him with his hand on the shoulder to wake him up but the man was in a deep trance state and was beyond waking up and in fact was so far beyond the monkey’s reach that not even the hungry wolves could wake him.

“Well I never,” said Larry the Lipper and sat down beside him to wait.


He waited a very long time: centuries went by without any movement.

Eventually Larry became a disciple and started to learn all the secrets of the guru who was once a pony dancer from the Welsh hills.

Then one day Larry knew all there was to know from the guru so he stood up with creaking joints and went down the mountain to spread the word of silence.

Into the noisy world he went and became quite lost and was never seen again.


Images from Pixabay

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