in #guns7 years ago (edited)



The belief that Australians don't or can't have guns is a widely spread myth
The truth however may come as a surprise even to Australians. There are only a few hoops to jump thought to enable you to obtain a weapon 100% legally.
Just get a licence

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Fully automatic weapons are off the table and totally restricted. We all know that full auto is not for protection or sport, it's for slaughter.

                      GETTING A LICENCE

Step 1 :
You will need to go and sit a weapons safety course.
You will need to book a course. This can be done on line at a gun club close to where you live. Easy access will be necessary for most applicants.
It costs around $100 and takes the best part of a day to complete. A test is given at the end of the day and your retention of the safety facts is what it focuses upon.
You also fire the type of weapon that you have previously specified when you booked the course and learn about guns and ammo in brief.
Passing this course is not hard but is essential to apply for a licence.

Step 2:
Apply for a licence.
This can be done on line at the police licensing department in the state you live in. You will need to print it out and fill in the application. Send both the application and a copy of the safety certificate to the appropriate branch. The application costs between $300 and $400 and is NON refundable even if you fail to meet the criteria. It may take a while to be processed, as the application is well scrutinised, but you will be informed either way.
Thats it, all you need to do is wait.


It's all just that easy. No big deal .
Well there is one thing that you may find will stop you in your tracks. Criminal history especially violent behavior. No bang bangs for naughty boys and girls. If you do have a history then the more years between your application and when you were naughty the better your chance to meet the criteria.

The hardest part of the application is answering this question...why do you want a gun ?

Protection is NOT an accepted answer. Your not allowed to protect yourself with a gun by shooting naughty boys and girls. Yes I know what your thinking....What the ? There is a very narrow margin that is an exception to this law but not one that will get you a gun to start with.

There are a number of acceptable answers but only 2 will be an option for most people.

1 : You have a property or access to a property over 40 acres and need the weapon for hunting and/or vermin control. A written letter of permission from the property owner will be needed.
2 : You wish to join a gun club and target shoot recreationally.

You will need to show proof that you have a regulation gun cabinet to store the weapons in. This is basically a cabinet that can NOT be picked up or easily broken open.The police reserve the right to randomly and without notice inspect your cabinet and fire arms. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE but you can hold or have access to the keys to the cabinet. If your out and the police come around and someone other that you gives them the keys, that person will be charged under the firearms act and you will loose your guns on the spot.

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There you go nothing to it. A system like this to control guns would never work in a country like America, as there are already far too many unregistered guns in circulation.

I hope this has helped you understand that you can have a gun in Australia.

Thank you for taking the time to watch my video


When your rights to feed and protect yourself are taken away and sold back to you.
Remember that if you're out and the police make a visit to check on your locked away guns that all other house members present tell them they don't have access to the keys. They shouldn't anyway.

yep ...that's why it's the law.. but you would be surprised how many people automatically comply to police demands thinking they are doing the correct thing or out of fear. Most people do have a second set of keys that a partner is aware of.

Lots of restrictions for what is essentially a piece of pipe

lol about this one .
If you use a can of fly spray to attack or defend yourself from someone you can be charged under the Australian fire arms act/law.

hahaha nanny state will keep you safe, no need to defend yourself

Good post @thehomesteadlife. It's interesting how many people tell me about firearms and laws...And they don't own any nor are they licensed. As soon as it comes out that I have firearms everyone turns into an expert. I would have thought it'd be the opposite when they know I actually have a clue. :)

Thanks for the education. I was under the impression that it was impossible to get a gun in Australia. How difficult is it to purchase additional guns? So the gun course focuses on a .22 rifle and you also want to purchase a handgun? Does the one course cover all, or is a separate course required per gun? Also, if you are away, and your spouse, who also has a license, gives the police the keys to the gun safe, is that okay since they also have a license?

Once you have a license you can have all the guns you like pretty much...within reason. No automatics. lots of gun shops so buying them is easy once you have the licence.
yes the course covers all types of guns. hand, shot, low and high calibre.
Just have to say what you want when booking the course and you fire all of them on the same day.
The weapon can only be accessed by the person that the weapon is registered to. No one els You can register the same gun on multiple licences though.

Great advice for newbie gun owners, but don't forget it's gonna cost you a fair amount of $$$$ as well, while jumping through the hoops. Cheers

Any idea how a traveler could get access to a gun for protect when visiting? Assuming going through many hoops.

Good post. I love hunting for meat, it's good to see Other people with similar interests on Steemit!

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