City Passes Zoning Ordinance Effectively Banning Legal Retail Gun SalessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #guns6 years ago

So, you thought you could go to sleep when Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah was out of the office he usurped and Donald Trump came in? Think again. The Second Amendment is under attack like no other time under Obama, and the latest attack comes from a city in New Jersey.

On Thursday, the city of Piscataway passed a zoning ordinance that effectively bans all legal retail sales of guns, which means an effective end to gun stores in the city.

According to a Facebook post by Piscataway (sorry, the name is too funny, piss cat away) Township, "passed an ordinance prohibiting the retail sale of firearms or ammunition within 1,000 feet of sensitive locations. The ordinance was authored by Ward 3 Councilmember Steve Cahn, an attorney and former U.S. Marine captain."

Ah, a traitor from within!

Well, Mr. Cahn, do you not remember your oath, sir, to uphold and defend the US Constitution, including the Second Amendment, from enemies foreign and domestic? Steve Cahn has just become a domestic enemy of the people of Piscataway and the united States, along with those he serves with on the city council.

“The federal government has been willingly absent on the epidemic of gun violence,” Councilmember Cahn said. “With a president and congressional majority abhorrently mired in demagoguery, it is left to states and local governments to protect our residents, so we acted.”

Gun violence is not an epidemic! Epidemics are disease-related Mr. Cahn! The federal government should be silent on gun violence as we gave them absolutely no authority to speak or legislate when it comes to arms, or did you forget that part about "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" while you were attempting to infringe on the rights of the people you represent? Seems you did.

“An AR-15 with a standard round has a maximum effective range of 400-600 meters. At the very least, those who sell these weapons of war under lax federal laws should not be that close to places where children and families gather,” the measure’s sponsor, Councilman Steven Cahn, said. “Since the federal government refuses to ban these weapons, we need to be ever more proactive at the local level.”

Mr. Cahn, you do realize the Second Amendment exists to allow citizens to have "weapons of war," don't you? Furthermore, Ar-15s are not used in war, Sir, as you well know. So your claim is an absolute lie!

Furthermore, the federal government doesn't possess the authority, per our Constitution which you swore to uphold and are trashing like a good little Communist though you claim to be a Marine, to ban such weapons, or any weapons for that matter.

If you think it does, please cite the very text that gives either the federal government that right to infringe on the rights of the people or where you are deriving your authority to infringe on the people's rights to purchase or possess such weapons. You can't. That's why you and your colleagues are usurping authority. That's called tyranny, not freedom.

Under the measure, retail sales would be banned near schools, day care sites, college campuses, medical facilities, bars, parks, places of worship and similar sites.

According to the Facebook post, "Cahn’s initiative complements the six state bills recently signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy that will also help stem the tide of gun violence. Cahn attended the signing ceremony in Trenton yesterday."

None of this will "stem the tide of gun violence." This is nothing more than political grandstanding to claim they are doing something when they are doing nothing except infringing on the rights of the people. Banning the retail sales of guns effectively kills the ability to purchase guns in the city, and the next step is going to be akin to confiscating remaining guns. Mark my words. It's only logical because this ordinance will do nothing to stop gun violence. Zero, zip, nada.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs issued a letter via their attorneys that states that the ordinance effectively eliminates retail sales of legal guns in the city and that the ordinance is unconstitutional.

In citing multiple cases, the ANJRPC stated, "Be advised that such action by the Township would be illegal and unconstitutional under both state and federal law."

Citing Teixeira v. Alameda County, 873, F.3d 670 (9th Cir. 2017), the letter states that the ruling "does not support the Township's position."

Teixeira turned on the fact that there were 10 other gun stores in Alameda County, and therefore the Plaintiffs could not demonstrate an impairment of the ability to purchase firearms within the jurisdiction. Even the Ninth Circuit in Teixeira recognized that a jurisdiction cannot impair the ability of the law abiding to acquire firearms within the jurisdiction. as you are no doubt aware, Piscataway has no gun stores within the Township, and news reports have indicated that the goal of the proposed ordinance is to keep it that way. This is plainly unlawful under any existing case law.
The ANJRPC also threatened to bring litigation against the town, something that will cost the residents, if the town attempts to enact its unlawful ordinance.

“This proposed ordinance would violate the Second Amendment as well as state law pre-empting towns from regulating firearms sales,” said ANJRPC executive director Scott Bach in a statement. “The premise behind the ordinance is absurd – criminals don’t buy guns from licensed dealers, and locating sales 1,000 feet from property in Piscataway will neither stop nor deter someone intent on doing evil. The local grandstanding politicians pushing this measure don’t seem to understand the difference between law-abiding gun owners and criminals.”

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