
the correlation in Florida particularly is astounding. It would be very interesting to try to establish causation for the correlation.


As always, correlation does not equal causation.

However, there are a lot of points to compare.

The poor tend to vote for more welfare. More welfare attracts more poor.
The poor tend to be lower IQ. Higher IQ people tend to work things out in other ways besides violence.

The SJW mindset is furthest black and white thinking. You are either with us, or you are the enemy.
This thinking leads to violence being an option. "They deserve it for all the oppressive things they did"

Conservatives think, if i don't have something, lets figure out a way to get it. Work harder, trade, barter...
Neo-liberals think, if i don't have something, it is because someone won't let me have it. And thus, it is proper to take it.

And we can just stack more and more of these comparisons.
It isn't that they voted democrat, it is that that type of person, who will snap and sees violence as an answer is poor and votes democrat.

Those may well be factors causative of both metrics revealed in the charts. While correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation, where direct causation isn't shown, identical cause for both metrics correlating often can be shown.

I reckon this is such a case, as you point out.

...if you had no other data to go on, what would you extrapolate?

This might be easier to see if the lower chart was in blue.

Is it adjusted per capita?

EDIT: check your sources

More guns, more safety.

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