Trump and the Hearing Protection act.

in #guns8 years ago

I for one want to see constitutional carry nation wide but as someone with ultra-sensitive hearing who just realized how fun going to the gun range can be. The hearing protection act is something I want to see passed. Firing a weapon indoors without hearing protection. Unless you are already deaf is almost more painful to the person firing the gun than the intruder in their home. If you normally go to outdoor gun ranges. Try an indoor one and see for yourself. Even with hearing protection you can feel the sound waves and in the case of some larger super sonic ammo you can actually feel not just hear the effects of the sonic boom. Suppressors are not just for assassins in the night. Plus if an assassin wanted to assassinate you. They could make their own suppressor in your kitchen while you sleep. Making suppressors NFA. and super taboo, expensive and hard to get only empowers the bad guys. If someone breaks in my house all I want to do is worry about defending myself not finding ear plugs or dealing with temporary tinnitus and shock from firing at them.

One of the videos that convinced me to make this my first Pistol.

Gun Gripes #122


Alas you must live in a state where suppressors are deemed legal, I do hope this all goes away if Trump reaches office.

They aren't legal everywhere? The amount of hoops you have to jump through here put most people off of getting them or make it too expensive anyway. Feels like my second amendment is being infringed. Doesn't it say they can't do that somewhere? lol

In MA they just took AR's off the shelf, thank god I had purchased prior to this stupid ruling.

I heard about that. I saw they had lines around the block for AR's right before it went through... I bet most people don't even prefer Ar-15 as a rifle and they just bought them to make a statement Its like telling your kid hey don't press this specific button and leaving. But the kid sees the button isn't hooked up to anything. Kid presses the button. waits. ATF kicks in kids door with AR's to confiscate the button.

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