If Everybody had a gun virtually nobody would use them.

in #guns8 years ago (edited)

Imagine you are in a room with 90 people and one gun. Your gun. You don't plan on murdering anyone but for some reason you decided to be an idiot that day an accidentally fired it. The round scares people but luckily misses your foot and hits the ground causing minimal injuries from shrapnel. You live they live everyone goes home.Well you might be going to jail but that's not important right now.

Imagine now you are in a room with 90 guns and 90 people. Your gun and 89 other people carrying a single gun. You don't plan on murdering anyone but for some reason you decided to be an idiot and accidentally fire the gun. Immediately a trigger happy person in the room shoots you in the face because they thought you were firing in their direction. It might not happen. You might still live to be a huge idiot. But the worry is there. You are more cautions about accidentally or purposefully firing a weapon around other guns. Unless you are a suicidal terrorist with no regard for your own life. More guns equals less violence.


Criminals will always have guns. ALWAYS. This is the single biggest factor that people who call for gun control fail to understand. A gun, in essence, is nothing more than a tool. It's no different than a drill, a hammer, a weed-whacker or a cheese grater. All tools can be used for actions outside their designs. A gun is a tool for hunting and protection. Violent people, even in the complete absence of guns, will always find a tool to use.

I think the main reason people call for gun control is to set their mind at ease. They don't care if criminals will always have guns, they only care that there is a law on the books to ban them. This is due to complete indoctrination and a desire for the state to babysit their fragile and childish mindset.

3d printed guns coming to a mexican gang near you. White gangs and black gangs to buy from the mexicans.

Right! It's a lot like the "Paradox of Defensive Driving." In a nutshell, defensive driving means driving while assuming that the rest of the folks on the road are either not-so-good drivers or are somewhat reckless. In other words, driving while vigilant to the possibility of an accident occurring.

If virtually everyone on the road takes this to heart, there'll be hardly any accidents. (and hardly any need to drive defensively!) The only ones that'll result will come from mishaps that are unquestionably out of the drivers' control.

well that's one way to look at it i guess. i mean im all for guns but.. that may not be the best argument for them iv ever heard.. just saying :p

If every-time you went deer hunting the deer shot back what would you do? Answer: Hunt a different animal.

If we are talking implausible scenarios.... How about if no one had a gun no one would use them?

Yeah, I've heard those arguments and read about the town. But..... Talking about all of America here. Legally required to carry nationwide is far different... And I would expect the outcome to be far different on a large scale.

For the same reason if I told you Americas favorite food was pretzels.... And then told you this is fact based on 200 people I talked to in in Georgia. Small sample sizes skew the data.

"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." -- George Washington

Exactly. Which is why gang members never shoot each other.

Gang members don't drive to gun shows and have shootouts at them. They usually do it in places where only gang members have guns, and in response to the never ending circle of revenge killings. If a gang member killed your family member you'd probably be shooting too.

But they still all have guns, right? @matrixdweller is saying no one would be violent if everyone would have guns, but gangs are incredibly violent knowing everyone they shoot at will be able to shoot back.

Guess what... Gang members already all have guns so giving a gun to everyone else should make it better not worse. If I put a gun in your hand right now would you instantly become a vicious hardened killer? Do you think gang members all started violent or maybe they lived violence and became violent.

That has nothing to do with it. Everyone having a gun is thought to prevent people from being violent. People who want to be violent, like ganf members, do not avoid violence because other people are armed.

Edit: Basically you're saying that putting a gun in a peaceful man's hand doesn't make him violent.

I'm saying that putting a gun in a peaceful man's hand does not make violent men peaceful.

Would you rather be a peaceful man with a gun when the violent armed men are being violent or a peaceful unarmed man when the violent armed men are being violent. @telos

I think at some point we are going to need to learn to control our savage impulses. Ninety people sitting in a pool of gasoline have the same sort of problem but draining away the gasoline would lower everyones emotions and help them get along. Handing out matches to everyone is the wrong approach imho. More guns aren't going to solve the real issues which stem for a basic fear and distrust.

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