Texas Gun Rights Update | Gun Marches Worked For The Good Guys For Once

in #guns6 years ago (edited)


Freedom Is Spreading

After 540 determined freedom loving Texans marched through the streets of Olmos Park, Tx the city council repealed an illegal ordinance banning open carry of long guns. The march was in response to the arrest and assault of several Open Carry Texas activists by the Olmos Park Police Department.

You can read my original post of the incident that sparked the confrontation here.

And the ensuing march here.

Since then 3 more suburbs of San Antonio have repealed their unconstitutional bans on open carry of long guns.
Balcones Heights, Alamo Heights and Hollywood Park.

While this is encouraging for gun rights in Texas the battle is far from over. Constitutional Carry is still the priority. Personally I would like to see the repeal of the Hughes Amendment, The Firearm Owner's Protection Act of 1986, NFA and ATF.

But thats just me.

Carry On Patriots


Thanks for reading my blog.

Peace, HM

pics pulled from google images except for Team Blue Collar Steem


repeal everything dealing with weapons other than the second amendment.

Agreed. Those who don't need to go google "Police State" and do some reading. We are vastly out gunned. Its time to start playing offense instead of defense regarding the 2nd Amendment.

I suggest prosecuting any lawmaker who votes FOR any law that is later repealed on constitutional grounds(or at all).
they have, after all, violated our constitutional rights?

You should go back and read my original post on what sparked this march in the first place. The founder of Open Carry Texas had talked to the Police Chief the day prior to going out there.

The cops drew down on everybody there legally carrying and assaulted them and arrested them. This issue is still not resolved. The PD is actively assaulting citizens. I hope they sue the shit out of Olmos Park.

I read it.
By all rights the cops should be arrested themselves, prosecuted for unlawful arrest and violation of constitutional rights and THEN get serious.

I am in the Open Carry Texas facebag group. They have tried contacting the Governor. So far getting the run around. Most of San Antonio is a sanctuary city with super liberal city government. So you can't rely on County Sheriff to do anything. Maybe get Texas Rangers involved. But mostly its pass-the-buck for anyone they have contacted so far. ACLU only cares about your rights if you are a liberal.

I'd say your best option would be the governor.
He's made a statement publicly about gun rights.
It's time to make him stand up to it.

ooops..bad analogy.

Hah! Cause hes in a wheelchair. (for those who don't know)

I lived in San Antonio in the early seventies for a while.
Pretty suckie town even then.

Where have all these liberal panty wastes in Texas come from. Don't tell me they are home grown.

They most certainly are not! Once again I have to blame the main stream media for this one. Across the nation reports keep coming out of how my area of Texas has the best economy in the nation. Year after year we are inundated with transplants from Kalifornia, New York and other bastions of liberal ideology. A lot of these people are retirement age. So do they leave well enough alone? No. They start meddling and run for city council. Since they are retired and have disposable income they have the means and the time to win. Then they effectively transform our free, conservative, economic system that works into the shithole from whence they came. Its a fucking epidemic. Go home! We do not want you here! You already fucked up your state! Leave ours alone!

Texas is the western Florida for liberal transplants it seems. I hear the capital Austin is a democrat bastion, a shame.

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

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