Practising for the IPSC State Titles, South Australia

in #guns7 years ago (edited)

Today I was at my gun club Adelaide University Regiment (AUR) shooting a club match with 50 or so other shooters. The State Titles are coming up next weekend and we're all keen to get some practice in.

It was a hot day today (37 degrees celcius) and more than a little uncomfortable but we diligently went through the motions. Next weekend in Mt Gambier, the location of the State Titles, it's supposed to be 42 degrees plus so today was just the warm up...Literally.

So, I took a few video's in between shooting and thought I'd share one or two. This is my first DTube post so I'll probably mess it up. Oh well, here goes.

This is a stage shot inside a small shed. The stage brief is to start with pistol loaded and on the bench in a sitting position. The shooter, on the beep, picks up the pistol, fires one round at each target (freestyle) and them performs a magazine change and swaps to the weak hand (left for right handers and right for left handers) and shoots another 1 round at each target.

This young lad is a great shooter but you'll note he does not perform the magazine change which incurs a procedural penalty for each subsequent target. That means he zero-scored this stage. The good thing is that he won't make the same mistake at the State Titles. (He hopes).

This young lad is thought to be a State Champion in the future. He is intense, shoots well and is very fast. He gets upset with himself when he makes mistakes but that will change with age. He will develop into a really good shooter. He's only 12 years old so has a lot to learn and a big future ahead of him. There's talk that he will be national Champion if he keeps progressing like he is.

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12 years old!?! That's pretty great for a 12 y.o.

Where's the video of you shooting? 😎

Yeah, 12 years old and a great little shooter.

So I got a guy to take my phone and do a video of me shooting today. I'm not a big fan of being in front of the camera though and when I'm shooting I tend to focus more on what I'm doing than to getting videos of me. I have a few of course but am not keen on filling my blog with videos of me. I'm going to post one a bit later though.

I hear you. Videos of myself are some of my least favorite things in this world. I barely look at myself in the mirror on a daily basis, so watching myself in a video is pretty low on my list of priorities haha

I look forward to your next video!

This looks really intense. What is the IPSC?

International Practical Shooting Confederation.

Very cool, do you happen to know what age he was introduced to firearms? My wife and I debate when the right time is. I say ASAP she says when they’re teenagers...

I know Crix very well so sure I know when he was introduced to guns. It was around a year ago at the same time his dad got into it. He is a natural IPSC shooter and will be a very very good one if he continues with it. His gun safety is often better than the adults, precise, controlled, well-practiced and deliberate. My only criticism of the lad is that he tries to go too fast during stages, not just the running sections but also during the actual shooting. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Run fast between target array's sure, but a measured approach is often best, at least initially.

Your debate is not uncommon and for the record I agree with you...ASAP. Kids pick up things very easily as you probably know and if they are taught a concept, lets say gun safety at a young age it will be so ingrained in them that they just naturally do it. I understand that waiting until they are older may seem advantageous but I don't think it is; That simply delays the training and may make the parent feel better for delaying it. it would be a shame to have had the chance to teach gun safety, but not done so, and then an accident occurs that could potentially have been avoided.

I have no children but in my household (wife and I) the rule is that everyone need to know how to make a gun safe, how to load it, unload it, trigger discipline what ammo goes with which gun, how to render a gun inoperative, how to store it, and how to recognise when a gun is in a safe condition or not. That's the rules...For EVERY gun I have. I have a lot. If it's good enough for adults I think it's good enough for children.

Just my opinion.

Thanks for your comment.

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