Is It Possible The Left Wanted This Tragedy?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #guns7 years ago (edited)

Is It Possible The Left Wanted This Tragedy?

"You never want a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." - Rahm Emanuel


Rahm Emanuel is the mayor of Chicago and a Democrat. He said this shortly after Obama got elected in reference to the economy. The left is merciless in their pursuit of political power. As I have said in previous blogs, they think it is okay to lie, cheat, steal, and whatever else it takes to win because they see their political opponents as evil enemies.

Now, liberals have been going after guns and the Second Amendment ever since I became interested in politics. They wanted universal healthcare for the longest time and finally got it under Obama. They never quit. They persist and persist until they get what they want, and to hell with what the people want. This is why they support unfettered immigration (legal or illegal) - just change the people. Either that, or subliminally influence them with propaganda from the media, entertainment industry, and education system. They often manipulate people by structuring their desires as compassionate. It reminds me of a quote from Batman Begins where Liam Neeson's character Henri Ducard says, "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding."

The whole point behind what things they do (and what they ultimately desire), is to result in a weaker society, which is easier to rule. The less educated, the more dependent, the weaker and more sensitive or effeminate, the more helpless and defensive we become, then the better for those who mean to rule us. Our public school system is a joke. Some high school graduates cannot even read their own diplomas! Generational welfare has created a bunch of resentful babies who no longer know how to fend for themselves, have generally bad attitudes, and are loyally going to vote for whichever party wants to continue handing out freebies. Gay culture was pushed into the mainstream largely through the entertainment industry, and now this transgender thing has gotten to the point where men can use lady's restrooms. The powers that be have us constantly bickering among ourselves while they make of with all of the power and money.

Anyway, back to my point about this tragic shooting. CNN reported that four Broward Country Deputies waited outside the school as children were being killed. Why? Were they ordered to stand down by their Sheriff Scott Israel? Apparently Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum chastised Sheriff Israel before this prick went on stage at a CNN townhall event with Dana Loesch and acted like a jerk blaming everyone under the sun for what happened when it was his own incompetence that was to blame. We can have all the laws on the books we want to try to prevent things like this from happening, but if they are not enforced, then what good are they?

Now, was this an act of cowardice by Israel and these officers? I do not think so. I think something far more nefarious was going on there. I know what you are thinking, "He doesn't actually believe for one moment that these officers were told to stand down so that lunatic could freely kill as many people as possible so as to make the tragedy that much more impactful with every death!" Well, lets say you despise the fact that your citizenry is armed to the teeth and you want to repeal the Second Amendment. You and your party have been failing in this endeavor for decades and decades. All of a sudden, within the last twenty years or so, mass shootings begin to occur with more and more frequency. Your anti-gun movement begins to gain a little steam, but you are afraid that too many people will have to suffer before your goal can finally be achieved. So, one of your buddies in law enforcement thinks to himself that rather than wait for a bunch more of these horrific incidents to occur where a few die but not enough to be impactful, what if we had one really egregious mass shooting where dozens and dozens of people get killed? Our lackeys in the media could really make hay with a stupendous tragedy like that! We could really get the ball rolling and get it over the edge with a truly horrible event. Plus, in the long run, lives will be saved because dozens of small scale disasters would add up to more fatalities than if we just had one large disaster.
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So, I ask you ...... is that completely out of the realm of possibility?

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