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RE: The Parkland "EVENT" - Something HORRIBLY OBVIOUS Everyone's Missing!

in #guns7 years ago

Hello, Brian. I'm so glad I found you over here on Steemit, & it goes without saying that I have made certain to "follow" you on this site now. I always enjoyed your videos on youtube, but like many others - I am making a new home for myself here in Steemit.

It's obvious that you pour a lot into your work, & it shows! You're intelligent, to the point, & have a great sense of humor. I hope you never stop doing what you do! You're fantastic!

As to the information you provided in this video? There are a couple things I'd like to say.

I am STRONGLY against deadly "gun free zones". Whether or not this massacre happened, or whether or not this is another media hoax with the purpose of inciting mass action against guns - either way, it IS being used for uneducated people to "express" their {ignorant, & unfounded} outrage AGAINST guns in general.

For example, I saw an article on another site just yesterday, wherein one of the alleged victim's aunts said that she didn't want anyone's "prayers or thoughts", but rather she wants "action" against guns in general. The woman is obviously delusional, & ignorant of the facts.

What "facts"?

  1. Basic Psychology 101.... Tell someone that they "can't" do something, that they're "not allowed" to do something, & by that very act alone - you will have GUARANTEED that that individual will do EXACTLY what you told them NOT to. Now think "gun control / gun free zones". Very simple.

  2. Accountability......... This comes up again, & again, & again. Nobody wants to be accountable for what THEY made the decision to do on their own. This kid made the choice to acquire the weapon{s}, have whatever "partner in crime" it was that he chose, acquire the ammunition, concoct the plan for HOW he & his partner were going to carry out the crime, & then proceeded to carry out the crime, yet...... It's the GUN'S fault? Really? HOW is it possible that people would rather blame the gun that the obviously mentally ill boy{s} used in the crime OVER the ones that factually committed it? NO..... Accurate... Accountability.... Which stems FROM.....

  3. BAD or LACK thereof, of PROPER parenting from the beginning of their lives. HAD these children had parents that disciplined them properly from young ages, taught them respect for themselves & others, taught them about consequences for wrong choices, & the FACT that there ARE things that they themselves ARE responsible for, & that they should always BE responsible, then...... The odds that these children would have ever even CONSIDERED something like this would be next to non-existent. Still possible, but the likelihood would have been severely lowered.

  4. Taking peoples' guns away does nothing, NOTHING, but endanger all the good people, which includes our innocent children. You WEAKEN them, & make them VULNERABLE by taking away their ONLY way of being able to protect themselves & those they love.

  5. There is a difference between a right, & a privilege. A right is something that NObody can take away from you, & that you are born having. A privilege is something you EARN, & that CAN be taken away from you if you abuse it. Owning a gun is our Constitutional RIGHT!

I have quite a bit to say on all this, but honestly, I just wanted to say that I'm so glad you're here, that I ALWAYS enjoy your work, & that I hope you'll stay here for a long time to come!

Thank you, Brian! Outstanding!!!!!!

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