Gun of the Day Series - The B.R.

in #gunoftheday7 years ago (edited)

Gun of the Day - BR.jpg

I am involving my five year old son in making some posts on Steemit. He creates the guns with his building blocks and we name the parts together. This is the discussion that took place.

Dad: What is this gun called?
Son: I already told you, it's a B.R.
Dad: What does B.R. stand for?
Son: I don't know!
Dad: Does it stand for Battle Rifle?
Son: Yeah... It's a battle rifle from Modern Warfare.
Dad: Okay, let's start identifying the parts. What is this here? (Dad points to the yellow block on top.)
Son: This is the scope. Do you want me to help you spell scope? (Son starts sounding out the word and identifies the silent 'e'.)
Son: Okay, what do you want me to tell you next?
Dad: What is this little orange block here?
Son: It is the thing that you go like this. (Son puts his hands up as if he is holding a rifle and makes the sound of automatic gunfire.)
Dad: Okay, so what do we call that thing?
(Son demonstrates the action again, complete with sound effects.)
Dad: So, is it a handle?
Son: Yeah! I didn't want to tell you, I wanted you to guess. Do you want me to help you spell it? (Son sounds out the word again).
Dad: Okay, next?
Son: Next...
Dad: What's this? What's this right here? (Dad points to the long yellow set of blocks at the bottom).
Son: That's the ammo clip!!! (Son says in a tone of voice indicating that dad shouldn't have had to ask.) Can I help you spell it?
Dad: Okay, help me spell it.
Son: 'eh', 'eh', 'eh', E?
Dad: That's not right.
Son: Wait, is it an 'e' or an 'a'? Wait, I know how to spell ammo clip! Wait, are there two 'l's in ammo clip? Wait, I am missing the 'c'!
(The dad and the son argued a little about that first letter because the son was hearing an 'e'. Finally he came around.)
Son: I get it, if it were an 'e' it would be 'emmo clip'.
Dad: Alright, so it's an 'a'.
Son: Okay, the 'a' sounds like the 'e', makes sense.
Son: 'mmm', 'mmm'.
(Dad types two 'm's. Son slaps his hand on his forehead as if to say, "what have you done?")
Dad: There are two 'm's.
(Long story short, 'ammo clip' finally get's spelled)
Dad: What's this? (Dad points at the shorter yellow set of blocks on the bottom.)
Son: It's the thing where you go like this. It's the thing where you shoot. (Son demos use of the firearm again.)
Dad: So, what it is called?
Son: It's the thing where you shoot!!
Dad: Is it a front grip?
(At this point, some major confusion ensues because dad thought the barrel was the green part, but it turned out the barrel is the blue part just above the small orange handle.)
Dad: Okay, so this is the trigger? (Pointing at the small set of yellow blocks on the bottom.)
Son: Yes!
Dad: Okay, son, we are almost done! So, this is the barrel?
Son: Yes!
Dad: And, what is this? (Dad points at the green end that he previously thought was the barrel)
Son: That is the back.
Dad: But it has a name and it's called.... buttstock, or stock.
Son: Oh... stock.
Dad: Okay, son, so are both of these two green parts the stock?
Son: Yeah, those are the stocks.
Dad: So, we have this and this (pointing at the two remaining parts that have not been identified). Do they have names?
Son: No, they don't have names.
Dad: So, are we done?
Son: Yeah, that's everything. Now can I play Playstation?

The End

(The dad and the son take a bow and exit stage left.)


Man, this is awesome. It's like I'm there.

Plus, it's the ultimate win-win-win. It gives you something you and your son can do together, and you have something entertaining and informational to share with us here. It's a winning combo, man.

Although, I do get the idea he would rather be doing something else...

More! More!

Excellent play. Well done. Although, remember, when you do a good play, people don't throw free vegetables at you. I could probably eat for free. :D

I had a pile of Legos as a kid. My brother and I would make all sorts of stuff out of them. I don't remember when we stopped, but it was fun while it lasted and I still look back on that fondly. Not enough to get more Legos, but I'm still glad I had them while growing up.

Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, it is a great way for kids to use their creativity. I used to play with my brother's legos all the time. :)

Great Post & Story!
Brings back such memories.
Thanks for sharing & Steem On !

Thank you! Steem on!

pocketsend:101@jcsteem, Sorry I can't upvote more right now. I am letting my voting power recharge. Enjoy some Pocket tokens! Thank you so much for your comment!

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Thanks & Steem On my friend!

Lol that's a funny gun! The names are fabulous :P Buttstock haha...

Yeah, this gun is all backwards! Buttstock is is the actual term for it though. He is good at creating the guns but not so good at naming the parts. :)

Really @bbrewer you are so creative geek really bro you deserve a big thumbs up for this blog !!

Haha lol

Haha, creative geek. I like that.

wow excellent work and i really like that gun created with blocks and i also enjoy reading the son and dad conversation, wish you all the best in all of your future endeavors! friend, Stay blessed

pocketsend:101@adnanrabbani, Sorry I can't upvote more right now. I am letting my voting power recharge. Enjoy some Pocket tokens! Thank you so much for your comment!

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ok np thank you very much friend.

wow this is super cool :)

This so lovely.You are very creative

Thank you! We just go with the flow. :)

nice architecture design...
nice post

Indeed it's the gun of the day, they way you communicated your son is so cute. That's call learning during playing:). i like your idea. BTW your son made a wonder gun by building block. keep sharing @bbrewer

pocketsend:101@kamchore, Sorry I can't upvote more right now. I am letting my voting power recharge. Enjoy some Pocket tokens! Thank you so much for your comment!

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@bbrewer i didn't write a comment on your post for getting worthy upvote. i understand your feelings. you are a great man. don't ashamed me by saying sorry. I know you love to upvote big but i understand your problem. Keep sharing All the best

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