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RE: Response to Fellow Steemian Regarding Gun Control

"we need to teach children that it's okay to disagree with someone else's ideas, we need to teach them how to be secure in their own ideas, and not feel threatened by the ideas of others."

"This whole safe spaces nonsense has gone to far, and it's making people weak and overly emotional. I mean it's no wonder that social justice warrior types rabidly want to ban guns. If they had one, they'd shoot at someone every time they got triggered, and they know that they get triggered at least a dozen times on any given day."

This is the essence of the problem. World view is delivered to people via media, which replaces actual culture today. People are designed to be incapable of being trustworthy of handling their own affairs, as dependents are the product that enriches their overlords.

The fact is that logic and reason won't reach the decision making processes of such people, as the painful transformation into someone not dependent on overlords and competent to responsibly handle their business is something they are trained from birth to preclude.

I've seen this graphically demonstrated in a conversation recently. An interviewer asked one of the totalitarian gun grabbers why they thought people shouldn't be allowed to have guns. The rabid communist answered that people commit bad acts with guns, and only police/government should have guns.

The interviewer asked if they supported Trump. They said (of course) 'NO!'

The interviewer asked them why they were marching to make Trump's government the only legal gun owners.

Blank stare.

They didn't stop marching and demanding that government be a monopoly on force, however. They just ignored logic and facts. That's what you will face in your debate. It's what the entire debate boils down to: the abnegation of logic and facts.

Mountain Guerrilla (on a different post than this one) relates that he will just say 'No.' to those proposing to restrict gun ownership, as a result of this.

I have to disagree, as some people just haven't yet digested the red pill, and facts do plant seeds that lead to the flower of freedom.



Thank's @valued-customer! - Wow, that story about the man and his blank stare was funny, I wonder if it ever clicked for him.