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RE: Response to Fellow Steemian Regarding Gun Control

in #guncontrol7 years ago (edited)

When I see what's going on in the world. Take for example this guy in the UK called 'Count Dankula'. He was trying to troll, or play a joke on his girlfriend with a distasteful joke. He was basically conditioning her dog to perform the Nazi salute in response to certain, lets say very distasteful commands. Mind you, this was all a joke to him, and he even prefaced that video thusly.

Ultimately, he is going to go to jail, because his country does not have freedom of speech. In his country, unpopular speech can be regulated. The problem with regulating speech is that, this has the effect of regulating how people think. People will tend to not think about things that will get them put in jail. The whole business of speech regulation is very nasty. I mean people get into it because of their good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It will only continue to progressively get worse and worse.

The ironic part about this whole situation is that Nazi Germany was big into censorship too; newspapers, literature, music, public events, they were all censored. You can't censor any of those things, without claiming the right to censor free speech. Had the Jews known what was about to go down, I have a feeling they would have much rather been armed and dangerous. The fact that they weren't, might have been more of a sign of incompetence, as they were unable to protect themselves.

I think disarming Americans would also make them a prime target for foreign invasion. If a free people would like to retain their freedom, from time to time, maybe generations apart, they'll be tested. If they fail the test even once, it will condemn future generations to social constructs that prohibit freedom.

Let me ask @talesfrmthecrypt, if Saldor Hardin was correct, and violence truly is the last refuge of the incompetent. Then doesn't that make government incompetent for resorting to force and violence in order to subdue someone's free speech?

If i'm walking down the street, and someone who is so incompetent that they can't get a job and work for their money, decides he'd like to have all of mine and use violence to do so. Then my resorting to violence in response, that in my book that is self defense, not incompetence.

First they'll start telling you what you can't say, then they start telling you what you have to say (Excuse me zhir!). Then they start telling you which religions are unacceptable. Then they tell you what religions you have to be part of. It's a slippery slope, if government had it's way, it would take it all, it would control it all.

@talesfrmthecrypt - I should also ask, do you know of some "other more effective ways". I am always open to solutions that work. Especially ones that are peaceful!

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (The Gulag Archipelago)


I'm British - i'm not aware of the example given but i'd suggest we have a robust enough legal system that if he has been wrongly imprisoned then he will stand a better chance of being freed by going through "the proper channels" as unpalatable as that may sound, than he would by taking up arms. In fact I don't think him owning a gun would have made any difference to the outcome of this event or any future actions that arise from his imprisonment whether he lived in the UK or anywhere else for that matter. My argument isn't to say that governments don't and won't restrict individuals from time to time. It is to say that the way to combat this isn't through violence or the latent threat of violence.

To give you another example from the UK - we recently voted to leave the European Union. An institution that many in the UK felt was to use your phrase "micro-regulating" British citizens lives in the same way you described a Federal and in this case largely undemocratic power might. The British people were able to force the government of that time into holding a referendum that they didn't want. The will of the people opposed that of all mainstream political parties by voting to leave the EU. Freedom to consume curvy bananas, own inefficient vacuum cleaners and whatever other perceived freedoms that'd been lost to the EU will be restored. This was all achieved without the average man on the street owning a gun.

Lets not forget that that the examples you are using to support your stance (Nazis and Soviet Communists) both started uprisings that encouraged acts of violence against the their respective governments before they came to power. Violence breeds violence - they are prime examples of why any society in it's right mind should be looking to exhaust all other possibilities before looking to take up arms.

I'm not naive enough to think that there is not a time when violence against an oppressive force (or indeed someone trying to mug me as in your example) would not be necessary but the 2nd amendment and more importantly most American's interruption of it is in my opinion not responsible for providing the average individual any greater freedoms than he would have without the gun. Furthermore, large spread ownership of guns brings with it the many documented problems of violence in society as a whole and I believe actually distracts people from looking at the many non-violent actions that could have an equal if not greater effect on securing personal freedoms.

"To give you another example from the UK - we recently voted to leave the European Union...This was all achieved without the average man on the street owning a gun."

This is an excellent point.

The truth is the UK is still in the EU, and will remain in the EU--because they can ignore you, because you are disarmed.

The 'Hitler dog' guy couldn't have outgunned government empowered by decades of monopoly on force. He's doomed not by his personal lack of firearms, but, as Brexit demonstrates, by the rendering of the entire population subject to the will of oppressors by being disarmed.

Had people retained their personal arms in the UK, none of this censorship could be entertained. Back when you were an armed people to be reckoned with, it wasn't.

Edit: regarding your legal system, I recommend you read up on the Isle of Jersey, and the Haut de la Garenne child trafficking/murder scandal. Your legal system is the best money can buy, just like the American system.

I think you underestimate the anti-sentiment towards the EU within certain parts of the UK population. Even supporters of the remain campaign would be more likely to rise up in protest if the EU was seen to be subjugating the democratic will of the people. I actually think one of the worst thinks the remain campaign did was to get Obama over to the UK telling us to stay in the EU or else - no one likes being told what to do and threatened in their own country.

p.s. Jersey is a Crown Dependency and generally sets it's own domestic legislation independent from Westminster

" underestimate the anti-sentiment towards the EU within certain parts of the UK population."

Who cares? What are they gonna do about it? Wave placards at passing limousines? Write their local parliamentarian? What they're not going to do is show up in armed mobs and demand their will prevail.

Nothing short of that matters.

"Even supporters of the remain campaign would be more likely to rise up in protest if the EU was seen to be subjugating the democratic will of the people."

Which is why you are allowed to vote. It keeps you feeling you are in the loop, and responsible for the decision they make to subjugate you. Same here in the USA.

"Jersey is a Crown Dependency and generally sets it's own domestic legislation independent from Westminster"

I know. The Queen owns it personally, and that is why the trafficking of children from Haut de la Garenne by Jimmy Saville et al (personal friend of Prince Charles) will never result in prosecution, and why it's such an excellent example of the corruption of your legal system.

I'm not picking on the UK particularly, except that it is what you know personally. The Dutroux scandal in Belgium, the Franklin coverup in the USA, the UN everywhere it goes, all reveal child trafficking being permitted moneyed interests while ordinary people are demonized for making a bad pass.

My point is that nations are mechanisms to subjugate their populations for the real overlords of the transnational corporations, including both the UK and the US.

This is why Russia is being demonized today, as Putin has paid off Russia's national debt, depriving the transnationals of their rent money (interest payments). If you look at the list of 'Evil' countries, you will see that they are the only countries without national debt, or that threaten to nationalize the industries that deliver money to the international banksters.

This is why we are so furiously being disarmed. Slaves can't be allowed to own arms, or uprisings like Haiti conducted to throw off the French can happen. I'm surprised you are allowed metal utensils at all. Brits are proven dangerous people when cornered.

Who knows perhaps we will end needing to resort to violence to get what we want in regards our sovereignty? But I'm willing to give other options a try before turning to that.

"My point is that nations are mechanisms to subjugate their populations for the real overlords of the transnational corporations, including both the UK and the US."

I fully agree

"Brits are proven dangerous people when cornered."

You better believe it! Our island mentality still runs strong

Some people in the UK have complained about the rape culture that some (not all) Muslim migrants are bringing with them from their respective countries of birth. If I were in the UK, I could be damn near arrested for a hate crime for simply mentioning this fact.

I am against all rape, no matter what religion or ethnicity a person is who commits it. However, if my country were importing people who because of their culture may be more statistically inclined to commit that offense, and my country would not allow me to speak about it. Yep, that would piss me off to no end. Without the ability to enforce your right to speak freely, things get out of control pretty fast.

Imagine the UK in the 70's if a Muslim immigrant raped someone, they'd suffer the same consequences as anyone else. However, in today's age of political correctness. People are discouraged from talking about the facts. Maybe even discouraged from pressing charges, I mean they don't want to be accused of being racist. It's just madness the things that are going on. IMO.

Mind you, this is coming from a country where if someone tries to rape us, or someone that we care about, we can shoot them dead 007 style (in self-defense).

I can talk about rape in the UK. Look I'm doing it now!

What I can't do is be threatening, abusive or insulting towards anyone while I do it. I appreciate that these are very grey areas as what one person considers insulting is difficult to gauge. I could easily offend someone through no intention on my part. These points of law in the UK and i'd guess most liberal democracies are always going to cause contention and raise the question of free speech v other generally accepted liberties which include being able to live a life without fear and persecution.

Unfortunately most cases of sexual assault and rape go unreported but I feel this has little to do with the fear of being labelled racist and more to do with the victims fear of not being believed and the stigma attached to it. Statistically though more cases of sexual assault are being reported and it is believed that this is due to the various campaigns that are now being run around the issue. At the University at which I work, as part of the talk on sexual content, we use the 'cup of tea' analogy. This compulsory talk is given to all 1st year undergrad and postgrad students from all the many nationalities and cultures that attend the institution. I'm not sure which news sources you've been reading that suggest that political correctness has somehow won over common sense and indeed the law in the UK but young people in particular are more than happy to discuss these kind of issues in a frank and constructive manner.

As for the advantage of guns in self-defence sure you can shoot an assailant, that's if he's not shot you first. But driving down the street of my town I can also be confident that if i'm involved in a fender bender or any other interaction with another individual where tempers might get frayed, that no one is going to shoot me in the face - a point that i believe @studgriffin had previously made. Is there any evidence that more guns leads to less crime?

I agree that fear of not being believed, and stigma, those too might prevent a rape from being reported. "Is there evidence that more guns lead to less crime?" I do not know for certain, if there is evidence I'm not sure that it would be uniform world-wide.

As far as america is concerned someone actually wrote a book with that exact title and makes his argument that yes indeed violent crime rates go down in states with concealed carry laws. So maybe it's not more guns per se.

Just the wild card factor that anybody could be packing, that would prevent people criminals from randomly picking marks because s/he thinks the person is not armed.

Guy goes fishing in America, almost loses his shoes!

My guess is if we took America from the headline and replaced it with the UK, it might have gone down like this; and I could be way off base here, so if I am please tell me how you think it would go. If this were the UK, I think he would have a blackened eye, and no shoes to show for it. He'd think about reporting it to the police, but then those criminals might have their buddy's come back to hurt him or worse, and he'd have no way to protect himself if he did, because he doesn't own a gun, or knife, because it's illegal. Ultimately, I would predict that he'd just end up buying new Nikes out of his own pocket cash, and chalk it up to the game.

I'd imagine if that's me i'd have lost a pair of shoes! But i'd still live in a country where my kids are far less likely to be shot walking down the street. Seems a small price to pay. Also please see previous comment about guns vs crime levels. Is there any evidence to support the idea that crime diminishes as gun ownership increases?

And yes, i would absolutely report the crime.

In terms of repercussions, are you saying this Texan is now safe? Maybe next time instead of swaggering over confidently to ask him about the shoes prior to stealing them those gentleman will just shoot him in the back?

In regards the question in a previous comment about how to protect free speech within a society other than gun ownership - how about community building? The Solzhenitsyn quote you gave is disturbing and i feel unfortunately all too real. If the shit hits the fan and a government or whomever else tries to repress your freedoms then at the end of the day, if you don't have a community behind you you're just going to be a guy with a gun and sure you'll make a great slow motion movie clip as you come out blazing when they come to take you away but ultimately they are going to win the war.
Solzhenitsyn wishes the community had risen up. Guns do not build communities. Guns destroy communities. It is what they have been built to do! A community standing together with clenched fists in the face of oppression is more powerful than one that is divided, selfish and scared regardless of the number of firearms that it possesses.


I hear you, not all of the U.S. is like the wild-wild west. Some areas are rough though. I think it's nice to have the option to be able to protect yourself. I can't speak much to community building. There is a quote though

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert A. Heinlein

If you think about it, it makes sense, and if the book 'More Guns, Less Crime' is correct, that might be the psychology behind why that is the case.

I don't know how a community can stand together with out basic principles. America, has had freedom of speech, and the second amendment for quite some time. I'm hoping these principles stick around. It's kind of the glue that holds U.S. together.

"In terms of repercussions, are you saying this Texan is now safe? Maybe next time instead of swaggering over confidently to ask him about the shoes prior to stealing them those gentleman will just shoot him in the back?"

You keep thinking of lone defenders, instead of armed communities. Who would dare to be a mugger in a community where people are generally armed? These guys expect their victims to be disarmed, because that's common in cities in the USA today. That's why they even bother to be criminals.

If they tried to shoot a guy in the back, every other guy around could be prepared to shoot back, not just the guy fishing. It isn't one superhero defender of Gotham that is the real power of personal arms.

It's that there are no potential victims at all, so crime like muggings just don't happen, since the likelihood of getting a wallet from someone without being significantly endangered is very low.

This is one reason crime disproportionately victimizes the poor, since they either can't afford weapons to defend themselves, or can only afford crappy ones.

How many crimes do police prevent? Practically zero. They commit orders of magnitude more crimes than they prevent. At best they can investigate and seek to punish criminals AFTER they commit a crime.

Personal arms prevent millions of crimes every year. They keep the crimes from happening at all. Cops don't.

Think of personal arms like antibodies. Vaccination programs seek to create herd immunity, so virulent pathogens can't cause epidemics. Disarmed people are vectors for epidemics of crime, Typhoid Mary's of Tyranny.

"You keep thinking of lone defenders, instead of armed communities."

No i don't. In fact you've made my point for me. It's the strength of the community that matters armed or otherwise.