Another massacre of innocents in the United States of America. Individual and social madness.

in #gun7 years ago

The American dream is over, America now lives a perennial nightmare. The victims are always innocent, guilty of going to a concert in Las Vegas, having fun in a nightclub or just going to school.

From the school where the last theater of horror took place, one mother cries of pain to President Trump: "We need to act, we cannot let this happen again" "President do something, you can do something!"

Most US citizens begin to wonder why the rest of the world is more immune to this ordinary madness. We ask ourselves the same: when will they find the strength to change? Our fellow americans are divided between the constitution's second edict that guarantees the right to possess weapons (from Wikipedia as many other amendments, this too has its roots in the occupations by the British and Spanish empires. part of the city militias, during the years of the great European colonization, was the only instrument that the Americans had to defend territories, houses and families.) and the desire to live in a society without weapons.

The interconnected world continues to witness helplessly this tragedy of innocent lives and the lack of chronical actions of the American society in putting an end to this madness. Personally I wonder what it will take again (I think they already had enough episodes) to lead the United States to act and divert this course of madness, as did Australia, a country that after several massacres has finally banned the weapons of assault .

Pro gun control ask to ban assault weapons, weapons built to kill as many people as possible quickly and precisely the American constitution refers to the defense of the territory and families, but these modern weapons are more suitable to go to fight a war, not to defend oneself from neighbors or thieves. These weapons could be useful to a citizen only during a zombie attack, which means never.

Zombie ... I suppose if those who commit these atrocities perceive people as zombies to be eliminated. Certainly in the darkness of these minds, the perception of the preciousness of life, the importance of these people as individuals and as children, friends, brothers, is absent. The killer is the real zombie of the situation.

Americans wonder if the time has come to introduce strict laws for the purchase of weapons, on Twitter the hashtag is Gun control, but my opinion is that it would take much more than this.

One should start to reflect, as the philosopher Eric Fromm advised, in his book The sane society: are we sane?

Are We Sane?
We... have created a greater material wealth than any other society in the history of the human race. Yet we have managed to kill off millions of our population in an arrangement which we call "war."

A few days after the mutual slaughter is over, the enemies of yesterday are our friends, the friends of yesterday are our enemies and again ... we begin to paint them in with appropriate colors of black and white.

Eric Fromm in un ritratto.
The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make these vices virtues, the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.
If we wanted to follow the steps taken by Fromm to reflect extensively on our society, we would easily find that our society is truly violent.

I'm not just referring to the violence of video games, movies, where guns, zombies, bombs, wars are always the crux of the matter. Violence is also part of aspects of life that seem innocuous at first glance.

This is a human problem, not just an American one. A problem that probably humanity will never solve during this earthly experience, where everything is temporary and precarious.

But if we could really reflect on the quality of our life as individuals and as a society, we could try to restructure most of it and in addition to establishing a ban on the purchase of weapons, we could also think of:

redesign schools hours to include meditation, yoga, time for self-seeking
eliminate weapons not only from shops but also from the imagination, forbid films with weapons, like cigarettes. (Watch a film from decades ago and notice how the cigarette was at the center of the recovery, now it is not anymore, even the weapons could do the same).
abandon nationalisms, create an idea of global humanity (and market ... the most difficult but we hope one day ...)
supporting an ethical market, whether it is food, the person.

In short, creating a more healthy society because it is true that weapons do not kill themselves, but we must create a context in which weapons are not used, until they have the need to produce them. We need to create a non-violent humanity and as far as everything can be seen as utopian ... John Lennon Imagine shakes our soul every time we hear it:

John Lennon
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

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