Supporters of gun control don't care about the actual victims of gun violence.

in #gun2 years ago


I've been somewhat involved in the gun debate for about twenty years - I was a teenager when I was performing in a gunshow group and got my first revolver and Winchester rifle.

The people who don't like gun control do care deeply about the well-being of our citizens, especially our citizens.

Speaking for myself, yes, I do genuinely believe that most people who support gun control don't give two shits about the actual victims of gun violence. They care about control. If they actually cared about lives, they'd do their research. They would have basic knowledge of guns that wouldn't create pitfalls like conflation of assault rifles and assault weapons. They would know that the ban on bump stocks was just a meaningless political move and not a pragmatic one. They don't care so they spend all of five minutes looking up verbal ejaculations to regurgitate before shaming those of us who have done our homework for being callous.

The reality is that we do care. The difference is that we actually care and we're not petty. I absolutely do believe that, if you support gun control, 90% of those of you reading this care less than I do. It just took me twenty years to say it because I've been trying to take the high road.

The hard core anti-gun people know that it's all or nothing. They are willing to take incremental steps, but the goal is to wipe out 2A and ban all private ownership of guns. They know there is no half-measure. They are willing to employ the usual useful idiots, and to exploit any tragedy to advance the anti-gun agenda.

Why? Why are there anti-gun people at all? Where do they come from? Well beyond the usual nit-wits who are fooled by anti-gun rhetoric, there is a nucleus of gun-banners who desire to see the state elevated to its highest level of power. And that can never be reached until private guns are banned. Then, the state will have a monopoly on force and the great masses of people will be defenseless. That makes control easier, power greater.

Those among us who are socialist, who desire a much more powerful state, one that really exercise authoritarian control, are at the vanguard of gun control.

If you want a free country, you go the opposite way. It's how you know any rhetoric about the 'right' being Facist or Nazis etc, or any type of rhetoric along that line is bs. Authoritarians don't tolerate an armed population. That's just one more lie.

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