My Guitar Portfolio

in #guitar6 years ago

I spent about a year and a half teaching myself the guitar. My playing primarily makes use of playing over scales (i.e. the minor pentatonic scale), power chords, and using various types of vibrato. I never really learned or memorized chords and I am still not comfortable playing all over the fretboard. Finally, I always use a pick for strumming.

I rarely attempt to learn covers because it feels like a waste of time to me. What’s the point in learning to play someone else’s song really well. To me the only point would be if you felt that you could improve upon a song or somehow make it your own. To me the fun is all in developing the ability to solo improv and just play whatever comes out depending on how you are feeling and what the mood is. Basically learn how to play but once you know how to play stop thinking and see what comes out.

My guitar is a Squier Affinity Stratocaster

Below are some simple, short songs I wrote mostly through just fiddling around on the guitar until I found something that sounded good to me. I embedded the songs below from my soundcloud account.

Note: I recorded these songs by plugging my guitar directly into my computer’s soundcard and using the audio software Audacity.

Happy Nostalgia

Follow the Breeze


Still haven't decided on a title for this one.

Blue Razz


Haven't decided on a title for this one either.

Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. The sound of my guitar sounds a little weird to me. I’m not sure what the issue is. It could be that it’s not set up properly or maybe I am expecting too much from a $200 guitar. I’ve tried using my pick from different angles and speeds but that has only helped slightly.

Hope you enjoyed the songs even if they are not the greatest.

Very interesting point about not wanting to learn covers. It’s refreshing to hear that. I’m an extreme amateur at guitar and I’ve only learned a few famous riffs. By composing even one original note, you immediately have surpassed almost all people who have picked up an instrument. The fact that you have made a few different pieces is really cool. Making your own music is what it’s all about. Bravo.

Thanks. It’s nice to see someone who sees things the way I do. So many YouTube channels and late night infomercials for learning guitar seem to focus only on learning famous songs. You mentioning riffs brings back memories. I remember when I first started out I learned a few famous riffs like Smoke on the Water.

Cool to see a different side of the ninja. It's also brave to throw out your work when you're still in the learning process. Do you play with a metronome in your ears?

Thanks for the encouragement. I’ve never used a metronome while playing guitar. I have a handheld metronome stored away somewhere but not one you would put in your ears.

Oh...Now I see that @curie upvote you were talking about Mike...Once again; Congratulations and many regards.

I currently am exploring singing and will hopefully record some covers tomorrow, Im just starting off but it's good to experiment. I can't seem to see the songs I may just be being blind

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool, I'll check out your page and listen to your covers after you post them.

To play the songs, on the images of the fireplace click on the orange play/pause button in the upper left corner.

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