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RE: #guiltypleasures

in #guiltypleasures5 years ago

No I have not! It looks sexy though he he. You should watch Quills! - it may have not aged well, script wise, but I could watch it again.

AND it's been way too many times at this point. It is simply sinful - you'll love it. LOL IF you watch it and connect with it - believe that you connected with my 17 teen-year-old spirit animal in some way, and now have a deeper understanding of my sick psyche.

I feel like I am really avoiding discord at this point - like, I think about going there and my body literally picks up something else to be doing Iggy. It's not you it's discord - email me bitch. Ha ha - If you have any arty stuff you need again (depending on what it is, I may not complete anything until I get my main project out of the way. I am trying to put things together for the first and then a post series will hopefully follow.

Where do you come from again iggy? (besides your mother's womb or space dust or some other random thing you could insert - I mean what are your origins?

If I could make a recommendation it would be that you give me some three word prompts for inspiration on something, (for a specific project) and then one night when I am procrastinating something else, I will probably pump it out there really fast.


Don't worry about discord, that project is postponed. I'll let you know if something comes up.

The problem with old movies is that they're hard to find. Netflix is limited but it has The Handmaiden at least, you're in for a pleasant surprise, I'm sure.

And my origins? Like someone smarter than me said:

Where this was taken - Where abouts? None of your business really lol.

A mystery huh? Well you know I come from Vancouver Island. Can you be vague like that? Or is it more a principle of stubbornness cause you like to be a prickly when ever possible?

Trust me, zero intention on being a prick about it, I just feel uneasy sharing information here on a public blockchain.

That's just me and I can't help it, I'd call it stubborness and being a private person. We all have our quirks.

But if you want some information, I'm willing to share that we come from about same circle of latitude.

I do like to be prick though, don't get me wrong!

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