Joined the Loot Guilds

in #guilds3 years ago

I'm officially a part of a guild, but not just any guild, the Loot guilds. The loot guilds are collectively made up of my own team's accounts where my accounts are now stored.

What a milestone for me to have achieve in this game.

Continued growth is always the goal.

My next project is to work on building out my land collection because I'm trying to build various sources of earnings and to not rely on just any one thing.

The more diversified I can get, the better prospects my accounts will have toward future earnings and continued growth. I'm also looking at guild brawls although I'm not entirely clear if that style of game play will result in any form of earnings but I am proceeding with the notion that at some point it will have that link to the game so better to start preparing now.


You are killing it, after resetting my accounts, it will be a long time before they do much.

Thanks @senstless! I honestly can't believe how far I've taken this either already but certainly getting excited to see where this all goes. This has been the best growth strategy I've been a part of in the game for sure and my collection and account values are really starting to reflect that. We should catch up more on discord again soon and I'll fill you in on everything more in depth.

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