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RE: Train ride with two spiritual guides - a dream interpretation

in #guides6 years ago (edited)

❗Thanks for this sharing. Sounds like a very intense and fast pace connection. You must have been quite self aware of the higher purpose if you stayed with her without the human infatuation. I for one usually need that feeling to keep the connection going. It serves me and the other person better as the energy exchange is concise. Not easy though, emotionally wise.

This flexibility that you refer to is the need to get out of the comfort zone, correct? Been there, done that. It's quite intense and exhausting. You need to pamper yourself with joyous activities now. :) I recall that once, after a similar intensive situation I went to the deep sea for two days!


Yes, there was the need of getting out of the comfort zone, but not because I didn't want to do certain things but because of the pace at which 360° u-turns were necessary due to very unexpected misunderstandings (almost everything led to huge misunderstandings due to these big differences in perception and consciousness between us).

Yeah, in fact I was a few days on Holidays without any electronics or Internet until last Sunday to really return more back into this state of inner Peace, and it was a really good decision to not take any electronics with me. Going to the deep sea surely has a very calming effect, you mean in a submarine?

I think the consciousness, as a potential, of TFs are not so distant from each other, or else there would not be the strong feeling of "i know her /him". But the misunderstandings come from different perspectives. As if one is too focused on this reality and the other on another one. These misunderstandings cause us to hurt the most dear to us. But then again, this is the nature of TFs reunions. Most of the time. Which remind me, have you read the short article by Sanandah about TFs and SMs?

Lol... My private submarine is currently being repainted. 😉 So, by deep sea i meant far into the ocean on a yacht for two days.

i stronlgy agree with your statement, it is differences in perspective and reality experience...she simply hadn't yet woken up to her consciousness potential, hence those huge disparities in perspectives.

No, I haven't read that article, anything specific in it? Or maybe I have but cannot recall...either way, those articles I read turned out to be very accurate and aligned with the way I experienced that journey...

I am currently practising a lot of mental Silence, "flicking away" any incoming thought or mental imagery, a technique that has turned out to be most powerful for me over the years to accelerate the cutting off of any energetic strings hampering my inner Peace. During my few days on holiday I was on a ship for some hours and practised that in a silent spot, which was very potent with the flow of water surrounding me..that kind of ambient silence is surely even greater out on the Ocean ;

It's our responsibility, though, as those who have woken up, to be responsible when we interact with such tender sleeping people. Must be careful not to nail a tiny nail with a hammer, else we might end up damaging the frame.

Anyway, that short article is an intersting reading. Not sure if it'd be new to you though. I will find your email address and send to you. It may assist in quieting a questioning mind, as it has for me in the past.

Thanks for this article, it flew perfectly and I resonate immensely.

One of the main "issues" with this entire journey has been that there is this almost natural feeling (or simply a deeply conditioned belief) that all this work is done to get together into a physical relationship.

My TF journey concluded on a very peaceful note from my side, having opened her all the doors to come to me whenever she wishes to, which can be rather interesting because she might never wish to.

It is quite tricky to discern whether a real physical relationship is ought to manifest one day or if it is really just about growing as a Soul with no physical relationship ought to manifest at all ever. We might say that this doesn't matter, but depending on which way we choose to follow internally it might heavily influence one's entire scope of actions.

I have to trust my Higher Self to step in in divine Timing, bringing the necessary clarity when needed.

The last sentence of the article said "to no longer participate in relationships which do not contribute to that Peace".

This can be interpreted very ambiguously from my viewpoint.

Why not both?
A growth in consciousness AND the ultimate physical relationship. At the perfect timing with the right person.

When the right person steps into my life at the perfect Timing, I trust that I will have that degree of clarity in case it shouldn't be her but somebody else...will be interesting to see..


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