Guide: How to Use Twitter for Affiliate Marketing

in #guide6 years ago

Guide_ How to Use Twitter for Affiliate Marketing.png

Many affiliate marketers are using Twitter to drive traffic to their sales pages. With Twitter, you can reach hundreds or even thousands of people pretty fast and build large communities focused entirely around your product and website.

Twitter is now the easiest way to access many people with minimal effort and build visible brand loyalty on the web. All you have to do is post short and interesting, quality, posts linking to your web page and the response level can be very large.

How to Start on Twitter

The first step then using Twitter is obviously to set up an account - this is easy and you just need a name, password, email- all the usual stuff.

Don't make your Twitter profile sound too corporate. Give yourself a real personality. So make sure you have something interesting or useful to say in order to build up your followers.

Follow other Tweeters

You should then start to follow a few different people - this can be friends, favorite celebrities, niche audience or any of the wonderful selection of people you'll find on Twitter.

Also, sign up to the best feeds in your own niche, and probably also in affiliate marketing to help you make an impression in your industry. By doing this people will start to check out your own feeds and if they are interesting enough might even subscribe.

People are always interested to see who's following them so it's an easy way to get some immediate exposure.

Creating your posts

Obviously, if you're aiming for exposure you need something for potential customers to be exposed to. You need to be as interesting, witty, useful, relevant, up to date, intelligent, etc. as possible - this might mean presenting a controversial opinion on a relevant topic for example.

The more that's happening and the more you involve your readers the better your results will be. If you can also provide value to your followers then they will keep coming back to read and check out what you have to say.

Promotional Tweets

After a while, once you have a reasonable following, you can start to incorporate the promotional tweet into your campaign. Don't oversell yourself but just intrigue somebody with a conversational but also preselling introduction to whatever your site content is about.

If your content is great then people will follow you. Just don't push your valuable followers straight to one of those fake, unrealistic get rich quick schemes for example.

Also, you need to avoid going into this stage of the process too early - if you don't have enough followers, or your fan base is growing, just be patient. This may take a few months of regularly tweeting but you will only appear as an affiliate marketer, rather than an expert in the niche if you do go in to early with sales promotion.

In fact, your quality content really sells the product itself so you don't need to use any sales promotion on Twitter, only website promotion. The secret to success is interaction and high-quality content.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Affiliate marketing is an awesome and pretty effective tool for any company to use and take advantage of.

The commissions for each product and each company will vary. Usually, where the commission is lower the affiliate can generate more sales due to the product popularity, cost, and brand awareness.

Many digital products on sites like pay up to 75% commissions on sales and the affiliate can also generate a recurring commission as well.

It's important when learning about the simple affiliate marketing for beginners process, not to feel overwhelmed, as there are a number of "things to do" from start to finish.

This is not a get-rich-quick plan but an online business that can generate income. Many affiliates have multiple sites, some earning little and others earning a lot of revenue.

It's not hard to become an affiliate and normally there's no charge to join.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

  1. Choose a topic or niche

Make a list of things that really interest you and see if there's something that you are really passionate about. Make another list of products that you could promote for each interest on the list. Focus completely on your chosen topic.

There are thousands of companies that have affiliate programs online, for example, Amazon, eBay, and ClickBank to name just a few. There are many affiliate networks with thousands of programs to take part in but choosing doesn't have to be difficult once you have your niche selected.

  1. Build Your Own Website

This is easy when you follow a step by step plan. WordPress and some other sites make it really easy, however, there is a very real learning curve that needs to take place for our own growth and development. Take the time to learn everything as you go and don't be in a rush to make money. This is more of a long-term opportunity where it's very easy, over time, to have 3-4 websites earning revenue each and every month.

  1. Write Quality Content

Now it's time to add continuous relevant, quality content by writing or producing articles to post at least a couple of times per week or more, if possible. It's better to have as the length of the articles 1000+ words each. The search engines like to show their viewers quality well-written articles.

Check out some other articles that are written by others on the same topics and compare yours to theirs and maybe you'll see that you are just as good a writer as they are. You might see a few things in their writing style, type, images, and site layout that you like or don't like.

All of the pages and posts on the website should have useful topics and information written especially for those interested and searching within the niche. Place a few links on each page and post so that the readers can click on the link and go to your website to see what it has to offer them. When someone makes a purchase you get a commission.

  1. Targeted Traffic

Promote your site when you feel it's ready for traffic, similar to opening a store. Now another phase of the successful journey is to attract like-minded, targeted viewers to the site to benefit from your offer with some making purchases earning commissions for you even while you're offline or on vacation.

There are a lot of marketing strategies to choose from which include article marketing, email, social media - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, forums, commenting and more. Your focus now is on getting accounts with the social media and posting comments with links back to your site.

Everything can be outsourced and something most probably will be as one person can only do so much. It's best to work with a partner if possible, someone who you work well with and that will make for much less outsourcing.

You'll need to keep producing fresh articles for your website to maintain a good ranking with the search engines. The best advice to success on affiliate marketing business is only one. Take Action Now, Work Hard and Never Give Up!


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