Sort: is in here too. How legit he is, am not sure.

i think there are more than one, but i do not know how many and you are so right. never sure who is legit but it takes bravery to say one is ... i wish i could say i am a hacker alas, i'm not so smart. :)

Do you want to? They are so smart yet are not happy, i only know of 2 where am so sad for them.
This guy didn't say it outright but from our convo and from his videos, he is one 90%.

want to what? hack? no not really. wear a mask? no not really i'm not ugly so i'm good. mauahahahaah

So smart?? Socially, errr not so lols.

I meant those 2 friends of mine lols

was wondering 😂🤣😂🤣

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