Guess How Many? #126

in #guesshowmany7 years ago (edited)

Game Rules

  • First person to guess the exact number wins the game.

  • Winner will receive 70% STEEM from this blog post.

  • The first (10) people to resteem this post with your answer will receive 0.050 STEEM.
    *Reply with "Resteem" with your answer.

  • No winner :
    *We will use the same item for the next game.
    *Seven days maximum for an item to be used.
    *70% STEEM from this blog post will be added to the next game.

  • One try per person.

  • Game last only for 24 hours.

Lets play...

How many green mints are there?

Support @bola with a witness vote. | | Twitter @1Big_Word

Game Result

  • No winner
  • We will use the same item for the next game.
  • 70% STEEM from this blog post will be added to Guess How Many? #127.

Thank you all for playing.


yeah another resteem and my guess is

eighteen trillion, 74 billion, 112 million 947 thousand & 6 n 5/8th...

[ rounded 2 the nerest whole number, of corse]

well gurl after my own heart, hot & a nursey :)

nice 2 follow u Lady ;)

truly ; wow 5 kids, with them doin the housework u should be able 2 sleep 12 hours a day ! ! !

ain't life grand :)

It is awesome when the older kids are here because they are old enough tonbabysit and do light housework. Basically all I have to do those days is cook and laundry. Thanks for following. Enjoy your night.

7 year olds can use a laundry...

what they gonna do, get caught in the spin cycle ?

most modern clothes are synthetics so immune 2 kids ;)

I am kinda particular about laundry. I like to scrub the stains out and wash them with like colors. We don't spend a whole lot on clothes and I try to keep them in good enough shape to pass them down to friends. If I spent more and they had more items then I would let them wash them but because I spend less and they have fewer items I have to really really wash them and care for them. I let ten do everything else though except clean the bathroom. Particular about it too.

I understand, my baby girl was always in such a hurry to "grow-up" I told her 2 stop it.

To enjoy being a kid and slow down and smell the roses, now she is "stuck" in adulthood I know she misses her childhood, I tell her if she had of listened to dear ole dad she would not have raced into adulthood :)

She is an awesome adult; but with perfection as her father, how could she have turned out any different :)

thank you for being an RN ;)

/ RETIRED ! !!

I still think your photo is hot; plus I love being an EX-Rn, the retards I worked for LOL :)
/hugz ;)

Thank you for the compliment. Nursing was a great profession. I am sorry you didn't have a good experience working with nurses. As a whole they can be kinda an uppity group or a group that eats their young. It's strange to me because it seems like a profession that would generate a lot of love among peers but it is not that way. It's very idk cuttthroat, she said he said. I was surprised when I entered that field about the cultural of nurse to nurse relationships. I am married btw, but again thanks for the compliment.

LOL I think nurses (as a group) spend so much time giving that the compassion and empathy is "saved" for the clients lol...

To each other; it is time to grow a very thick skin... I am a guy so we are almost a different species within the female world of nursing, I think we are a stabilizing and unknown wildcard in among a group of cats; having a dog around tends to challenge the establish matriarchal dynamics...

With five kids I would hope you have a significant other around ; unless you have completely given up on ever sleeping again, LOL last time I perused the criminal code I never saw anything about it being illegal to tell a pretty lady she was hot if she was also married :)

I read about piracy and espionage but saw nothing about paying a Lady a compliment; plz do not tell your husband :)

Love your photo ! ! ! ;)

70 Resteem

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