Shout-out to @gsr-io!

in #gsr-io6 years ago

Just a little speculation whilst we are waiting for some action in the markets. Not to be taken as fact.

Original image here

Well it's been almost 7 months since this tweet by @ned under his 'certainassets' twitter account.

Around that time, and during the peaks of the beginning of last year, related accounts were powering down and STEEM was being transferred out.

Also during the summer of last year, an alt linked to the Steemit inc CEO was creating 'gsr' accounts:

At the time I had a look around on the web for 'gsr', and found

Seems fair to link these together?

Well, 'freakyfractal' is back in action recently and doing a little testing:

More action here:

And indeed here, where @gsr-io has arrived from within the past month:

The account has been pretty active recently:

Not really much in the way of analysis to add, and the above could be old news to some, or totally off track with regards to

Seems legit though, and looks like STEEM could be playing a reasonable part in:





Hmmmmm, interesting to say the least. I wonder why he writes 'hiding all my crypto' in his transfer memos. Bit weird if you ask me. But then again, at least he's not hiding it from the feds or IRS if he makes it this public LOL. I was nosy and had to check out I see there's a lot of Goldman Sachs people there...not sure if that's a good thing. One of the co-founders gives me 'first gut feeling' of: ring ring! narcissist in da house!!!
Just first impression. I had that once before last year about someone, didn't act on it and that cost me quite a bit of money, so I am starting to learn to listen more to my gut feelings... Anyway...I am really not sure what to think of all of this. I just hope that @ned still loves us, is not running away and will soon tell us some really great news. Might make that my new mantra 😜

Yeah that memo message is bizarre isn't it!

You told me about that gut feeling at the Fest, sorry :(

Hopefully good news soon and moon!

Oh yeah, I did tell you, that's right. It's all water under the bridge, and I really can't complain because I did really well with crypto last year and didn't really 'lose' anything. But it was the first (and last) time I invested more than 100 dollars (of crypto) into something I believed in. However, I didn't believe in the founder, and I really should have followed my gut feelings with that. Ah, lesson learned. Never doing that again.

Yeah, good news soon :)
I followed your example at the beach the other day, I hope you like my rocket...(I know, it looks like a jelly fish...not very good at sand drawing)

Hmmm.. Should I sell our coconut farm now?

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds like an asset I would love to have :D

More coconuts cannot be a bad thing, hodl!

Are you full time on Steemit now?

Posted using Partiko Android

@abh12345 Just noting the Hong Kong addy, is this the same GSR giving its more recent break?

hmm, sadly it doesn't look like it:

grs-io are HK based though, but seems like two separate entities to me?

Cheers for the RS :)

It must be time, the markets are turning!

Those transfers are massive!

I do hope so!

v4vapid has added a bunch of extra info, something is cooking for sure!

I just read it. It's quite mind blowing. I really really hope it's as you think and not the horrible 2.2 mill dumpening. I hate to say it but it doesn't give me the good feels!

Clearly you are not alone, it's a rather elaborate exit strategy though isn't it?

I'm going to keep the blind faith and continue plodding along, the risk/reward tempts me - I do like a flutter though!

It would have to be elaborate so as not to tank the price of steem. :0)

I am keeping the blind faith too!

Resteemed to spread some FOMO, he,he. But I don't expect any good results lately. I really hope I'm wrong and your're right.

Thank you!

Kept the faith down to 20 cents, must be worth the gamble sticking around at least til the wider market picks up. Then Ned and crew can trade STEEM into space and we slip some out the side door :D

Some interesting sleuthing there @abh12345... also appreciate the additional coverage from @v4vapid!

One small point of interest to add: I do remember right about the time of the initial "OMG, Ned is powering down!" FUD there were two accounts created that had some small sideways "test" transfers... nobody paid much attention to them, OR they were dismissed as "Ned's trying to mask his involvement in specific SMTs."

Then nothing... till they just showed up again in @v4vapid's very long comment.

Now Steem is doing a "creeping increase" on not particularly impressive volume. Should we be looking for a sudden spike and a dump? Funny what we worry about... I remember a time when the markets would totally eat the volume of Steem Ned and Dan have recently pulled out in a matter of hours.


Thanks :)

Yes some excellent bonus information in V's comment.

I am of course happy to see STEEM with any upward movement, but try to ignore the day changes, unless the increase is in double figures. It is interesting to note a little separation in movement compared to the lead coin though :)

It is investigative sleuthing like this that makes me so glad I added you to my feed about a year ago. Buy the rumor and sell the news! This looks like some good rumor.

Thanks for sharing and letting us in on the behind the scenes stuff!

Aww thanks! It could all be a crock of poo but where there is smoke.. wait, wrong token. Or, is it? :)

The last month or so has looked like the time to buy, sadly i'm not in that position but have seen many follows/followers grabbing some 20 cent STEEMs. Good luck to us all :D

Interesting, interesting.
Not sure what to really make out if it, but it might be something big. How you found out about it in the first place?

Honestly, I cant remember. There are people who do like to watch certain accounts, and they accounts they create, add a bit of google and hey presto - speculation :)

I think the tweet was passed to me (with worry) on the same day as the freakyfractal account creations for 'gsr'. Seemed like they were related at the time....

Hey Asher... I was reading the comments... and what did I found at the end of the page?!?! Some Ads (Google Ad network)!!!
So, the test of Steemit Inc. just started.

My post may be a reference.

3 interesting facts: On the occasion of STEEMIT introducing Google ads.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year.

I thought I was logged in.
Thanks for your post ;-)
Have a great week!

Interesting work there @lostmine27, thanks for the share!

곰돌이가 @lostmine27님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.001을 보팅해서 $0.022을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 2529번 $31.400을 보팅해서 $31.450을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

Yes I heard the ads had arrived and were view able if you were not logged in? I've not seen any yet :D

I saw the ads, cause I changed my profile picture, and Steemit logged me out.
Now I don't see them anymore ;-)

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