Understanding Plants and Plant Characteristics

in #growth7 years ago (edited)



Tumbuhan merupakan salah satu dari lingkup makhluk hidup. Tumbuhan memiliki klorofil atau zat hijau daun yang berfungsi sebagai media buat makanan dan untuk proses fotosintesis. Dalam ilmu biologi, tumbuhan termasuk organisme yang disebut Regnum Plantaeyang merupakan organisme multiseluler atau terdiri atas banyak sel. Kisaran sekitar 350.000 spesies tumbuhan, dari jumlah tersebut 258.650 jenis tumbuhan berbunga dan 18.000 jenis tumbuhan lumut. Hampir semua anggota tumbuhan autotrof dan energi langsung dari cahaya matahari melalui proses fotosintesis.

The highly recognizable feature of plants is the dominant green color due to the chlorophyll pigment content that plays a vital role in the aging process of energy through carotid photosynthesis. Some exceptions, such as in parasitic plants. This happens because of the adaptation to a unique way of life and environment. Its autotrophic nature, make plants always positions first in the chain of energy flow through living organisms (food chain). Tumbuhanalizing stationary or can not move on his own, some some green algae because motile (capable of moving) because it has a flag. This passive impact must be physically adaptable and the changes it receives. Variations of plant morphology are much larger than other royal members. In addition, plants produce an abundance of secondary metabolites as a survival mechanism for environmental change or intruder attacks. At the cellular level, cell walls composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin are characteristic, only in confinement of pectin. Only plant cells have large plastids and vacuoles and inexpensive cell volume volumes. To better understand the characteristics of plants can be seen in the table below.

Table 1 Characteristics of plants

Characteristics of Plants

  1. Eukaryotic (organisms with cells composed of genetic materials composed into membrane-bound nuclei) 2. Consists of many cells (multicellular) 3. Has cell walls composed of cellulose 4. Has chlorophyll (green matter leaf) and store food in the form of starch (starch) 5. Experiencing inheritance rotation in the life cycle, having multicellular tools, can reproduce sexually and asexually 6. Stationalizing stationary or can not move on their own, except some green algae because motile (capable of switching) as it has a flag..

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