How are we better?

in #growth7 years ago (edited)

How we are better than the competition…

Unlike our competitors, we aren’t selling kilowatts or hash power. The AFX Token gives the opportunity to receive a percentage of our mined profits. So, what’s the difference?

If you were to buy an amount of hash power or kilowatts with a mining company, you would receive a fixed unit, meaning for every unit (hash/power) you own, you receive a stagnant value in return. This means that the only way you can generate a higher income would be to invest more money to buy more units.

Meanwhile, AFX Tokens represent a percentage of the cryptocurrency mined by Airforce Mining meaning, as our mine grows, so does the return value of each token. Our expansion strategy is that 30-40% of all crypto mined is put straight back into mining infrastructure, this ensures the growth of our mine as well as the growth of return each token generates. This is further enhanced by the production of our own renewable energy, relieving us of power costs.

Because of this, an investment in AFX has potential to generate an ever-increasing income from a single purchase that grows exponentially alongside the company as opposed to the purchase of a fixed unit with no ability of growth.
growth gif.png
To find out more about our project and get involved visit our website


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