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RE: Name One Thing That Turns You Off About Steemit? [A @growth-ideas Feedback Post]

I'm not sure about the trending and hot and promoted pages.

I pretty much never go there because there seems to be no clear reason for the posts to be there. There is no obvious ranking that I can see, so trending means nothing.

If we are going to have pages like that it should be obvious to the casual user (like most of us) how the ranking is derived.

My one Steemit turnoff - lack of clear communication from e.g. we get new icons (and presumably other functionality) and I find out about it in a post from someone else. There is no notification from the people in charge saying this is what we did. Ok, maybe they wrote a post somewhere about it, but in order to find that I have to
1 - know it is there
2 - go looking for it

Why can't they tell us up front what is going on?
I get that the guys behind Steem and Steemit are geniuses - kudos to them. But if we want this platform to be more than just a place for geeks who love to interrogate the blockchain from the linux terminal or check out a Git repository and troll through the code, then this needs to be addressed.

Facebook didn't get to be where it is today by not communicating with its users. (and yes Facebook is about as crappy as you can get without hiring the Donald to run it)

To me it looks like 'decentralized control' is being used as the excuse for 'no responsibility'. Because it is decentralised and no-one is in charge, we don't have to make any effort to inform anyone, about anything. - unless the users really kick up a stink.

Before marketing, before hard (or soft) forking, before everything else - sort your comms with your current user base. We are the reason you built the blockchain in the first place. We love that you did it. Engage with us, let us know in a clear and present way what is happening.

A little notifications panel where you can tell us hey we did this today, would do nicely.

Take a look at how toggl does it. this is an awesome tool that does a good job of communicating quietly with its users.

Sorry - I didn't mean for that to be a rant. But it is the one big thing that is holding the platform back in my opinion.


An excellent contribution and I'm sure the community manager @andrarcy and Mitchell will scan these threads. I'm glad you took the time to write something original here, as it all adds to this feedback post and almost makes it like some kind of feedback document. I share all of your rants too. Many thanks. @mindhunter

Thanks for that.
For me it is just a bit frustrating as a communication professional who has spent many years teaching communication skills, that this seems to be one area that really needs some work.

And it doesn't really cost money - just the investment of time and understanding.
I'm totally committed to the platform and really want it to succeed, because when it succeeds, we all succeed.

Just remember were still in the baby Beta phase right now and building slowly ... but when we get to the Alpha phase we sure as hell can't afford these errors or the costs will be MUCH higher!!

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