An End to Suffering, Touch the Earth & Remember Who you AresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #grounding6 years ago (edited)

The Truth is We are One with this Earth & One with this Sky.

We Live and breathe and move together, Always, no matter how much we try to escape.     

Now We are in a time of Remembering 

We are learning how to care for ourselves, and we are Healing this Earth.    

Living in harmony with the Earth is a natural instinct which lives within us All  
This Instinct can be Awakened at any moment.    

The first, most simple, most common and effective action one can take is 

a process of consciously reconnecting with the electrical connection between yourself and the Earth.    

This is called GROUNDING. Or EARTHING.  

Earthlings require grounding in order to balance the positive - negative charge of energy moving through All things between Sky and Earth.

Just as any electrical current needs grounding in case of an overload of incoming energy, grounding allows an outlet for excess energies to be released, and also allows for healthy negative - positive balance to be restored. 

Without grounding, we lose balance and we lose energy.

I invite you now to go with bare feet to Be with the Earth.

Feel your connection to the ground beneath you, 
Breathe deeply, feel the air, the sun, All of the Elements that come to meet you,
move your awareness down into the Earth just below you,
feel the coolness, the dampness, the heat, the Energy radiating upward.
Speak to the Earth, 
say Hello, 
say I love you.
Allow the Earth energy to flow up into your feet and into your Heart,
your awareness moving with it, 
opening, allowing, feeling
You are One with Earth

As you sit with the Earth, consider saying these words aloud 

Take your time, say each line slowly, with intention

Allow yourself to fully reconnect within the Earth Heart. 


I am here  


I am here  

I am Earth, Earth is me  

Believe in this  


Stay Rooted  

I am here  

Here I am  

In Constant communion  

Within and Without  

I am embodied  


Now, from a Grounded space within yourself,

  I invite you to allow Healing in your life,    

through clear observation and acceptance of all which has caused your pain.    
  I invite you to sit still in this process, with an open heart,    

and allow any feelings that arise to be felt, observed, honored and let go.    
  I invite you to seriously consider these questions in the context of    

discovering the source, root traumas from which your answers will spring up.    

  Do you experience feelings of anxiety, stress, depression and anger?  
  Do you sometimes feel incapable of making a decision or making a move?    
  Do you ever feel like you are all alone, separate and unable to relate to others?  
  Have you ever felt like your emotions are controlling your life?    
  Do you have spikes of high and low emotional currents?  
  Do you have any health issues or pains that feel like they are out of your control?  
  Have you ever felt completely disconnected and just lost?    
  Have you ever wondered why does this happen?  

   You are not alone.  

  We are in this together.    
  Together, we are experiencing the effects of living in this society which encourages drugs and addictive modalities, indulgence in foods that cause illness and participation and enslavement within a system that destroys the natural systems of the planet in order to function, trapping us within cities of toxic waste.    

  Together, we are living in a nightmare that has been created by believing in our own fears, and in the lies told to us which tear us apart from each other, and from our Earth Mother and Sky Father.    

 Together, we can create a new reality.
  Together, we are remembering the Truth.

Affirmations ~

I Am part of the Earth, the Earth is part of me

I embrace the Gifts I am given

I allow myself to live in Peace 

I accept awesome, unfailing Love Now   


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