There's something about taking a plow and breaking new ground. It gives you energy. (Ken Kesey)

I really like this quote. It is really strange, because if you think about a plow and breaking new ground, it sounds extremely tiring. But, if you think like Ken Kesey, then you will see that it actually gives you energy. Do you know why? Because breaking new ground takes energy, but it also gives energy, simply because it is about bringing value and excitement to your life.

You might think that you get more energy from sitting at the couch and watching Seinfeld, but the truth is, it is actually draining you of power. Sometimes it might feel good just to sit down, but in the end, you are not the winner in those situations.

But, if you are out there, pioneering some work, doing something interesting, learning new things, you are using strength and power, but you are gaining way more. And in the end, you will not regret at the end of your life the things that you have done, instead, you are more likely to regret what you never did do!

So, get up and break some new ground today! :)

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